Dark Funeral in Melbourne...OCTOBER!

fuck oath aye!!
2 shows as well
ill be at both!
and it says there pungent stench jan 2003
we can only hope
Dark Funeral in Melbourne??

Jesus Christ, I had no idea they were big enough to tour out here and play 2, count em, 2 shows!!

This is going to be soooo fucking cool.
yeah! i heard that too, i also saw a flyer advertising that in metal mayhem..so who knows, that would be cool as
Originally posted by alpha666
i also hear Mayhem is penciled in for september!!!!!!! should be interesting!

I just spoke to the guy at Metal Mayhem and he said Modern Invasion (who are bringing them out) said it's 99% certainty, but personally he wouldn't have put the flyers up in case it falls through.

And they haven't got a venue yet.

But 99% is a pretty good figure... If this happens it'll be a landmark occasion. It should be a public holiday...:devil:
i saw flyers in there
when u walk in left hand wall a read and yellow a4 sized flyer saying how mayhem might be coming
oh well
it should be sweet as
That's the thing.. then again, there's no venue for the Dark Funeral gigs either, so it's almost as if they book that stuff last!?

The Metal Mayhem guy thought it was stupid to advertise it before it was official, but the promoters think it's happening, so I'll just assume it is!
Yeah, that's definitely a good sign for DF!

I'll be happy if one of the bands plays, ecstatic if both play!!