Dark Funeral in Melbourne

Mar 19, 2002
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This is addressed to anyone living in Melbourne.
Has anyone heard what venue Dark Funeral are supposed to be playing there??
I heard they are playing Melbourne on the 28th of October, but I haven't been informed of a venue as yet. Hopes it's "The Corner", that'd be mad.

Two shows at the Corner Hotel, Richmond, and a third at the Espy in St.Kilda.

One of them is all ages but I can't remember which.

I'm debating which one to attend. The Corner Hotel is awesome, but so is the Espy... imagine that- watching Dark Funeral then crossing the road to the beach!!
I think that date's right.. although I'm not fully sure. Tickets should be going on sale in about a week, so I guess we'll find out for sure then.

It's definitely at the end of October, though, so it's most likely the 28th etc...
By the way, Enigma, are you going to see Mayhem on the 12th of Sept?

They're playing at the Hi Fi bar after an instore signing session at Metal Mayhem in the afternoon.

I bought my ticket basically the day they became available.
well see it's like this. Metal For The Brain is supposedly the weekend after Dark Funeral tear Melbourne a new asshole. As my friends band are playing M4TB for their second time this year I naturally wanna go again. So I am going to try and work out seeing Dark Funeral and MT4B in one trip.... i.e stay in Melbourne for the week leading up to MT4B.
And I new about the Mayhem gig, but it's basically like to close to the Darkfuneral and MT4B gigs for me to be able to afford plane tickets so close together, so I guess not.
Oh fuck....... hmmmmm actually I just realised it could be a possibility. Cause I the topic of a trip to Melbourne soon actually came up in conversation tonight. So maybe, just maybe I can do all three. fuck that'd be cool.
I aint gonna rule anything out
Plane tickets? Where the hell do you live? I thought everyone lived in Melbourne! If not, they should.

I'm going to Mayhem and Dark Funeral, then I'm heading up to Spike and Ethereal Sage terrirtory for 7 nights to catch some sun and evidently not visit any metal stores....:rolleyes:
I'm a Tassie Devil. But I visit Melbourne quite a bit cause My girlfriend lives there. Which also means I normally spend a fuck load in metal mayhem and smoke dreams. On two seperate trips to melbourne actually, I spent just over $1000 on cd.s, t-shirts, anything to do with metal that I needed. hahahaha. Won't happen on these times comming up though cause unfortunately I haven't got a fucking cent at the moment
Originally posted by requiem
I thought everyone lived in Melbourne! If not, they should.

is there any nice chicks there? :D
I`m moving there in January :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:

well...actually Adelaide but I´ll be living in MBourne alot too coz of work