Dark Lunacy

damn! astarte, thanatos, |ngenius, is this our contribution to this forum??? look how rude has mel come to in few days....I'm ashamed :p
:cry: two insults at one time...i can't take it....
ok i guess you people don't need me anymore......i'd better go :waah:
this is my last post here.....
oooops,i forgot to mention "for tonight"...i mean it was my last post for tonight.... and even add the [joking] [/joking] tags...oh,stupid me what have i done :(
now FatheVic will come up saying i am such a naughty troll blah blah


i will never leave from here :D even if you ever try to get rid of me :grin:
Mi querida Melancholia, lejos de mi intención el ofenderte, lejos de mi intención exhibir un lenguaje barriobajero y tal vez poco adecuado para una joven y bella estudiante de castellano. Así, si inconscientemente llegué a excederme en mi pretendido porcentaje de diversión en las clases de castellano, ruego que me disculpes.

Siempre asocié ciertos olores a partes de mi vida, siendo éstos potenciadores de sensaciones y reminiscencias de mi pasado, en ésta ocasión me es imposible percibir tu olor, tu esencia femenina, mi buen troll griego, pero no albergo duda de que su fruto serían las más gratas reminiscencias de mi vida.

Ooooook, I'm sorry, that was millions of steps out of any kind of correct behave by my side. I just can say I'm sorry, but Mel didn't put these "joking" labels and I'm afraid if she leaves from here.

I hope all you, specially these ones who wants to learn more about spanish, will take that as a challenge to improve in that field.

|ngenius (Trying to do the best for you)
|ng as far as I remember Mel is not studying Spanish, am I right???
but she better does or she'll loose the kind and warm words you offered there :D
well,i'd better save |ng's text until i will be able to udnerstand sth more than "hola" or beg some spaniard i know to help me ;)

and since FV mentioned sth about warm and kind words I guess i'll have to thank our gentle robot :)
Pues que te puedo decir Melancholia? Mi compañero Ingenius me ha dejado poco margen para expresarme, y aunque tengo poco tiempo de haber regresado y mi opinión no pese tanto como la de la gente que ya conoces, no considero que me haya expresado de una manera soez o falta de educación, y aunque no considero que el uso de palabras altisonantes sea algo de gravedad me pongo a tu disposición para cualquier duda que puedas tener respecto al idioma español u otro tópico cualquiera.

Tu amigo Thanatos.

Hope you´re not really leaving Mel, I'm not very known in these forums yet but I still managed to write some nice words for you, I hope you like them.
oooooohhhh! even I find you guys very impolite for writing something the 95% of the guys here can't understand, I just can do offering both of you a big smile, and feeling happy to have you here :)
someone should translate this sooner or later, or she'll do it herself (which I think should be the case)

fathervic (feeling the love in the room)
[JOKING] :mad: :mad: you spanish speakers make me mad!!!!! I'll kill each one of you (except for astarte :) ) [/JOKING]

hehe ok,i won't kill you,but come ooooooon guys,translate a bit.....these online translators don't do much when i have to deal with robotic spanish and hadish spanish :)
Originally posted by Melancholia
[JOKING] :mad: :mad: you spanish speakers make me mad!!!!! I'll kill each one of you (except for astarte :) ) [/JOKING]

You would surely do me a favor...
I promise I´ll translate it Mel, I´ll do it tomorrow all right?? it´s just I´m not in the mood anymore, it´s curious how a hypocrite person turning up in my messenger can suddenly change things for me...:mad: :mad: :mad:

sorry for the unnecesary explanation of my bad mood, gotta go away for a minute to calm down.
changing mood is one of the worst feelings I have, these days my mood is nothing but constant (won't tell if up and down :rolleyes: 'cause you know already)

so come when you want, and change Messenger into ICQ, that'll help a lot ;)
Originally posted by FatherVic
|ng as far as I remember Mel is not studying Spanish, am I right???

Ohhh, she does from now on. :grin:

And yeah, that was so unpolite, I won't do it anymore.

@Mel: That was common spanish, you can do it!
only me is the dumbass here :waah:

so hehe i used an online translator...it was called elmundo or sth..
translated most of it,except for some phrases... so maybe there was some robotic & deathy spanish in it.... hehe
anyway online translators suck..

thank u for your nice words guys :)
that's the nice thing of the latin languages, I can understand 50% of the written Italian, 70% of the Portuguesse and 30% of the French...

@mel: copy that down, and when you take your lessons try to get it, both |ng and thanatos texts, it worths a bit! :)
good idea Melon! need to save this until i discover the meaning of every single word =)

/me understands nothing from latin languages...ok,just a super-few words, no french
but i can understand german,swedish,written norwegian and danish....(and much village cyprian :muahaha:-that was mean- )
now get jealous all of you :p :p :loco:

~mel~(who will start learning a latin language soon =) )