Dark mellow rock clip- Mesa Stiletto/WGS/SD2.0 content


Aug 29, 2005
Gethsemane- SD2.0 test mix

Hey guys! I very rarely post clips over here, as I don't record a lot of heavier stuff (though I've got some crushing doom I'm working on! :kickass: ) but I figured I'd post this for the hell of it. It's a very different style than most of the stuff on here, and engineered with a different aesthetic in mind.

Acoustic guitars are my cheapie Ibanez (I don't even remember the model) miced up with a Shure KSM27 at the bridge and Rode NT5 at the 12th fret. There's some slight EQ (cutting around 200hz and boosting around 3500 IIRC) and mild compression on the bus. Any reverb is the room.

Clean electrics are Fender American Standard Strat --> EHX Stereo Pulsar --> Mesa Stiletto Deuce w/Eventide Timefactor in the loop. The cab is a Marshall 1960AV loaded with WGS Green Berets and miced with the KSM27 and a Beta 58A. Yes, I recorded the effects off the amp rather than adding them after the fact even though it's not what you're "supposed to" do. I liked it for those tones.

Dirty rhythms are the Strat (Dimarzio Virtual Vintage Solo bridge) and my EC1000 (Duncan Custom 5 bridge) into the Stiletto/Marshall cab, straight in, same mic configuration. They are mid-gain crunch tones; not meant to be heavy. Massey Tapehead on the busses for the guitars. Cleans have a tiny bit of compression added.

The solo is a scratch track I recorded drunk at 3 AM. Strat --> Pod XT. :lol: It'll be replaced eventually.

Bass is LTD B305 --> Groove Tubes DI --> Ampex SVX. I sat on this pretty hard with the compressor as I'm not a very good bassist and my dynamics are crap. :p

Drums are Superior Drummer 2.0 with a bit of compression and Tapehead. The crusty drum machine beat in the verses is courtesy of my old Alesis QS6 with a bit of distortion added.

...and strings are just a string patch from the aforementioned Alesis with some stereo 'verb.

I'm curious to see what you guys on here think. Even if you think it blows. :lol:
you got a preset?

Can't say that I do. I just got SD2 a few days ago, and I've barely even begun to discover what I can make it do. I don't even remember what samples I used. It sounds a hell of a lot better than EZDrummer, though, that's for sure!

Could almost be an Opeth style ballad in places.

I'll take that as a huge compliment, seeing as Opeth's one of my favorite bands. :headbang:

And thanks for the kind words, guys! :)