In my opinion it's their best work, and an album against which all metal should be measured. The band has been extraordinarily consistent for 10 years now and has hardly released any bad songs since Projector, but this time they seem to have perfected everything they have worked on for their entire career. There isn't a single song here that is anything less than mesmerizingly beautiful, and at least half are instant classics ("Nothing to No One," "The Lesser Faith," "Blind at Heart," "Icipher," "The Mundane and the Magic"). This also has the best production of all their albums.
This CD has hardly left my CD player since it came out almost 4 months ago now. If anything better comes out in 2007, I will probably have to jump into a cactus patch, eat my hat, or do something else appropriately demonstrative of my utter astonishment--but somehow I doubt I'll need to do that. Rarely have I heard any band release an album so consistently excellent from first minute to the last.