Dark Tranquillity (live!) review


unus spiritus est
Oct 10, 2001
DT shows being rather few and far between...

thought i'd copy n paste from the Beyond Death board the last good live review i read. anyone remember Beyond Death? :heh:

Dark Tranquillity in Istanbul

Posted by Creept on October 09, 200-1 at 04:56:22:

Yeh I wuz there. And had some of the most exciting times of my life ever.

Lemme first describe the venue: It fucking sucked! It was originally designed as a lousy night club I guess. Therefore it had air condition (actually did it have any??) just enough to cool off a few old whores and their nightly bangers.

It was damn crowded, thus it was damn hot and damn damp. Tho' the mainman guy (BTW I'm a huge fan of these guys, I'm enrolled in their mailing list and stuff, I have all of their albums, yet I still don't know the guys' names and even the song names!!! Shame on my lazy ass) mentioned that they were Viks coming from the sun free Sweden, they weren't used to this heat and dampness, the place was even hot for a sanddigger, sunkisser Turk like me.

Then came the sound and light set... Aw god.

Light set seemed to be horrible till the end of the show. That idiot light guy continously used high powered spots on the crowd to blind them! I cursed myself for leaving the sun glasses at the car. *Sigh*. He proceeded to suck his girlfriends lips near the end of the gig so we kinda got rid of his annoying light show.

Initially I thought the sound set was horrible. I think most of the people had the same thought. The first two Turkish bands (man they did suck but that's the subject of a domestic violence hehe) were the victims of the horrible sound set. DT would also die in that chaos of bass and howling, but their sound guy arrived on the scene. Yep, just as to prove my thoughts about their European perfectionism, DT carried a good sound guy with them to fight any gayness against their musical professionalism. He came, he set up, they played, the sound was (near) perfect, I was delighted. I even helped out the sound guy. I translated his wishes to the dummy at the sound controls. He said that he demanded mic connection to the monitors four hours ago, yet nothing was done until that time. They quickly set up everything for him tho'...

Then came the band... ... . . .. .. . Woah, what show that was!!!...

The mainman guy is a showman. No I'm not kidding! He seemed to have learned his lessons well and he did everything necessary to make the crowd boil. I think he himself liked the show very much but it wouldn't be like that if he didn't put that extraordinary effort on the stage. He was a good speaker, introduced nearly all of the songs in the best catchy way possible. He was the band's interface to the crowd and he did his job very well.

The interaction between the crowd and the band was spectacular. Tho' it was hot like hell, no one (incl. the band) wanted to leave the place. The problem with Turkish audience is that: They are weak in English, and band's name did not fit into any popular football slogans in Turkey, so they simply failed to cheer the band properly. They just kept on clapping, shouting and whistling to show their appreciation.

Lastly the band; Their professionalism doesn't end with the quality of the sound. I saw what 'mega band' means that night. They played flawlessly, even the session drummer who learned 10 songs in a few days was extraordinarily good. I was totally satisfied.

The only backdraw maybe that: They had only a dozen of songs prepared for Turkey. It was kinda lame at the bis but after learning that the original drummer had to stay home and the session drummer had to fill in instead of him, they were forgiven.

One thing tackling my mind is the ticket price. They were priced around 17$, but I'm really curious if the band or the organizers got any profit at all because only 800 tickets were printed. If this is true than Dark Tranquillity is much more a bigger band than I guessed. They simply dropped by Turkey just to please the fans...

So in simple words: It was one of the greatest shows that has ever been put on in Turkey. So thanks again fellas!

:lol: i don't know why the author never posted that review here. i'm not even sure if he visits this place. oh well. i told him i'd repost it here one day. today's the day! :D

see full thread: http://www.tpom.com/wwwboard/messages/778.html

Originally posted by Villain

I do.

i still visit that place on occasion but i haven't participated much lately. it seems most are abandoning the old forums in favor of UBBs and places like this (UM). i do like it here (more stats than you could possibly hope for!), but it seems as if all the boards are homogenized now. :err:

And thanks for posting the review - it was nice to read.


really? i wasn't sure how it would be received. actually i expected it might go unresponded to, so thanks for the acknowledgement! :D