Dark Tranquillity in my fucking island


Confusing avatar! :O
Jan 2, 2004
Yeah! Dark Tranquillity played here last 1st of October.

It was a tiny fest organised, but really huge taking into account the kind of "artists" which usually come here. Along with Dark Tranquillity there another two international bands: Freak Kitchen and To/Die/For ); four Spanish bands: Warcry ( really good p0w4h m3t4l ), Saratoga ( kind of power metal too, but more classic ), Barón Rojo ( an old rock/heavy band from the eightes, or even older, they're part of Spanish History :p ), and Hamlet ( nu metal or something ). And also two local bands from the island of Gran Canaria ( where I live :wave: ): Tears Of Martyr ( I really recommend you some of this guys, check their webpage and download some MP3s ), and Perihellion ( cool power metal, my brother's band! :blush: :blush: ).

The DT gig was awesome, fucking absolutely *insert X positive adjectives here* great. They played lots of song from the last album, but I can barely rememember a shit. I know they finished the set with the song "My Negation", and then I ejaculated brutally.

They seemed to be very happy of the crowd response ( and we were happy too! ), and know checking they webpage I see this:

The European tour starts in a couple of days, and we're insanely busy with the final preparations. To show you what kind of crowd response we'd like to see, here is a clip of "The wonders at your feet" and half of "Zodijackyl light" from the show on Gran Canaria the 1st of October. The sound and picture quality isn't the best, so it's for die-hards only, but the atmosphere is present in spades:

dt_metalzone.wmv (18 MB)

Take a look to the vid and enjoy. :rock:

Thank you Dark Tranquillity. :worship:
Woah thanks for sharing. That clip is awesome. Watching Mikael getting practically raped by your people has made my evening :p. I actually prefer bootleg footage like that to really well done professional stuff. With the professional stuff alot of the atmosphere is filtered out.

I love Gran Canaria. Used to go there every year on holiday, either to Puerto Rico or Puerto Mogan. Lovely beaches, hot climate, great people. Can't ask for more. Well... I could say I wish dt had played there when I was visiting, but DT + GC = too much fun for me. Id bust a load and then life would just seem too boring and flavourless for a while afterwards.