Dark Tranquillity live


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2001
Espoo, Finland
I'm just wondering how many of you have seen these guys live. If so, could you tell us something about the gig and what songs they played. Personally I've never seen them, and I really hope they drop by in Finland when (if) they tour for the next album.
i saw them on the stage one month ago.. it was incredible, just perfect.. stanne was so energic, he jumped, screamed, headbanged, he never stopped... it was the best live experience that i had ever seen. after the concert my shirt was full of sweat. imagine how i enjoyed.

they played mostly from "haven". as far as i can remember they played the wonders at your feet, haven, feast of burden (twice)
indifferent suns, rundown, undo control, the sun fired blank, lethe, hedon and zodiakjl light( nicklasson on drums!!!!) .
seen them four times....
first time in my hometown, sunny Barcelona....emotionally amazing even musically wasn't the best gig ever....was the tour for projector touring with ehmmmm Children Of Bodom, Archenemy and In Flames....
second time was Wacken'99
third time here again in Barcelona in HavenTour with In Flames (argghhhhhh! once again headlining) and Sentenced and To Die For...incredibly great
and last time in Wacken'01, their best gig for me...I nearly pissed my undies...
I've seen then twice... 27th and 28the January 2001 (hmmm,i'm not so sure about the exact dates,but for sure it was a weekend somewhere in the end of January).Both shows took place in a small club in Athens....Unfortunately the sound was not the best,but this was somehow expected,since this club is famous for the awful sound :devil:
Anyway,I had a great time...and also practiced my awful swedish a bit :D
of course I don't remember the exact track list (I have some kind of premature Alzheimer I think :rolleyes: ),but they played many songs from Haven (wonders at your feet,indifferent suns ).Both days they started with "wonders....".... they also played Hedon,Lethe,Punish my heaven,ThereIn,the sun fire balnks etc...

And as Noose mentioned Stanne was super-energetic.... He is one of the coolest frontmen around
(the same goes for Mr.Aro from the Haunted,who btw played at the same shows with DT.... i've seen haunted 3 times!!!!)

Well,Dark Tranquillity's shows deserve many :hotjump:s ...
DT live has been a dream for me and i am glad i got to see them....
Originally posted by Melancholia
I've seen then twice... 27th and 28the January 2001 (hmmm,i'm not so sure about the exact dates,but for sure it was a weekend somewhere in the end of January).Both shows took place in a small club in Athens....Unfortunately the sound was not the best,but this was somehow expected,since this club is famous for the awful sound :devil:
Anyway,I had a great time...and also practiced my awful swedish a bit :D
of course I don't remember the exact track list (I have some kind of premature Alzheimer I think :rolleyes: ),but they played many songs from Haven (wonders at your feet,indifferent suns ).Both days they started with "wonders....".... they also played Hedon,Lethe,Punish my heaven,ThereIn,the sun fire balnks etc...

And as Noose mentioned Stanne was super-energetic.... He is one of the coolest frontmen around
(the same goes for Mr.Aro from the Haunted,who btw played at the same shows with DT.... i've seen haunted 3 times!!!!)

Well,Dark Tranquillity's shows deserve many :hotjump:s ...
DT live has been a dream for me and i am glad i got to see them....

Well.. I saw them on Saturday.. the sound was awful for DT (it was nearly perfect for The Haunted!) and I still can't quite get why.. it was the same equipment and the same sound technician.. whatever..
I add to the songs Melancholia mentioned: Insanity's Crescendo (ARGH! how could u forget that?:)), Not Built To Last, Feast Of Burden.. hmm.. that's all I can think of right now.
The guys seem to perform really good on stage, but the shitty sound ruined the whole thing.. I really can't wait to see them on a TRUE festival.. like Wacken or Dynamo.. damn.. both Dark Tranquillity and Opeth performed live in this year's Wacken Open Air huh? Hope there's a 2nd chance to see both bands..
Three times so far, Stockholm 99 and 00, and Wacken 2001. I think the best gig was Stockholm 2000 because then I helped Mikael sing Hedon in the microphone :).
phyre Nicklasson on drums? Why?

Because, Jivarp injured his wrist just before a few days ago before Istanbul gig, could not attend to show. Ýnstead of him a guest drummer(Robin Engström) took place. Actually,for this reason the gig was a bit short,(imagine that they played feast of burden twice, but didnt play Therein) It looked very strange that Brandström was helping Robin with drumming( I mean he was motivating, always looking at Robin, and congrulating after every song.)

that would be really interesting to ask in an interview nicklasson on drums? who was on the bass Jivarp?

No one on the bass for the song "Zodiackyl Light" :)
(mikael said "its first time we're doing this, nicklasson on drums, in a show, and you'll never be able to see this again")

...and noose and melancholia have already mentioned Mikael was very energic, and Niklas also, (I often watched Niklas... His face looks like a baby's face :) )
I´v seen ém eight times...:) And I think that the first one was the best, ´couse they played together with In Flames and I got to hear Shadow Duet with both singers, wich was my coolest live experience so far...:)

And yeah, I know life isn´t fair, but hey! You all should move to Gothenburg!

There is a picture of Nicklasson on drums in the Medial Stimuli section of www.darktranquillity.com under October 6, Istanbul Turkey show.
Originally posted by TheMindzI

Well.. I saw them on Saturday.. the sound was awful for DT (it was nearly perfect for The Haunted!) and I still can't quite get why.. it was the same equipment and the same sound technician.. whatever..

Oh,yes you're right about that... I still haven't come up with a logical explanation about that... :confused:

Maybe the sound technician wanted to sabotage Dt's performance :D *JOKING of course*
I really can't wait to see them on a TRUE festival.. like Wacken or Dynamo.. damn.. both Dark Tranquillity and Opeth performed live in this year's Wacken Open Air huh?

ehmmm well, you'd be a little disappointed if you awaited for the perfect gig on a BIG fest. The normal time for the playing is about 45 mins and that's too little for the bands we love.
This year at wacken DT did incredibly well and there was a superb response from the crowd. But wasn't that good on '99.
Opeth ruled too, but they played just 35 mins becuase they left the stage before expiring the time, because sound melted with Hammerfall (what a shame my GOD) and so they left (I'm really proud of that, because it was awful to hear the instrumental parts with crapy hammerfall backwards ¬_¬!

I´v seen ém eight times...:) And I think that the first one was the best, ´couse they played together with In Flames and I got to hear Shadow Duet with both singers, wich was my coolest live experience so far...:)

I'm really happy living in Barcelona, normally most tours happen to play here (I know Germany is the best place for the tours) and Gothemburg has the shame that not everybody tours in Sweden (shamefully) But seing Shadow Duet live would make me go and live in the mountain just wanting not to see another live concert that could spoil that remembrance!!! now I envy you...dough!
@FatherVic - Yeah that HammerFall background to Opeth was horrible! I must say that I was thinking of getting over to the HammerFall stage and destroy it...:)
The best concert at Wacken this year though was beyond doubt the Vintersorg appearence... I just stood there with goosebumps for about 45 minutes, and then it was over and I was like... "uhuhhuuhh...coool...houhhuuh...Yeah..." Frekkin brilliant!

And about Shadow Duet, yeah, I know, It´s one of my most preciuos memories! And eventhough there are a lack of touring plans for Sweden by most of the bands out there, I´m quite satisfied... I´ve acctually seen every band that I like, with one exeption, and that is Garden Of Shadows... The one thing I´m jealous at though is your weather over there in Spain...:)

And more ramblings from me; a tired student with lotsa things to do, ending up to do exactly what I promised myself not to do the other day: "learn the bloody Funghi, THEN roam the Internet and Diablo 2 and Civilization 3" But, I´m a bad human beeing...:)

-phyros out-
at phyros and the swedes unite-
I hate you bastards;)
I was watching the swedish second channel on saturday's eve (not prime time not late though .....and surely not for southern europeans!) broadcasting a metal music show (ok, maybe not only but enough), while all the tvs in my "lovely" country play dead, and 24 h a day....


Hey Phyros!!
well actually I was really willfull to see Vintersorg there. I loved his stuff and as he didn't tour here I was there of course. But it didn't touch me as I thought it would. I expected it to be more errrr, viking???? Don't know, just the lack of the contrast growling/clear that obviously can't be done live brought me down. And shamefully could not see the whole set since 15 mins just before Vintersorg ended I flew to the mainstage to see the whole DT gig which IMHO was the best on this WOA edition :)
About the wether here??? hell yeah! this is some kind of great paradise. Now it's fairly cold and we have had really bad wind storms these days, but in my hometown the minimun was 7 ºC so I to me is cold enough to freeze my butt on my motorbike.
And as atlantis said, somewhere in Spain (mountainside) they're having the first snowy days of the winter, but where I live nearly never gets snowy (I've seen snow here just 1 time) since I live by the sea in on of the most beautiful Spanish cities, Barcelona :)
Originally posted by FatherVic
And as atlantis said, somewhere in Spain (mountainside) they're having the first snowy days of the winter, but where I live

It is, probably...too bad I live on the other side of the sea....anyway even Italy knows snow:)
Barcellona is the coolest place in Spain, however....

Oh atlantis and Phyros how I envy you that you are getting snow.....
In my town the situation is exactly like Barcelona
I've seen serious snow only once here...:cry: :cry: :cry:
But anyway Greece knows snow,too
even lucky people living on the mountains around Athens (like my boyfriend) get some serious snow at least once a year....
Anyway 10 days ago the weather was so shitty (according to the average typical greek-quite nice according to me ) that it snowed in some parts of northern greece.....
Isn't that unfair?????????????????
Ah, it snowed here a week ago but its melted away for now. But, we have -1°C - -3°C temperatutes right now. So, id say two or three weeks and we have serious snowcover here :)
Hmm... The weather right now: 0 degrees, without a cloud on the sky...:) Faboulus nordic weather! We had snow the other week but it´s gone by now...
The weather here really suits me fine... But I need a trip to Greece or Spain every year to get some heat... Anyway...

@FatherVic... I must confess (which is stupid considering this is the DT board, not the Vintersorg one, and here I might get stoned or something...:) That I choose Vintersorgs last 15 before DT´s first....:) I meen... I have never seen Vintersorg before...:) But I do agree that the DT gig in Wacken was great, eventhough I have seen ém better...:)

@atlantis... A Swedish Metal Show? On last Saturday? Really? Can´t you give me more info? (I´d like to know what I apperantly missed...:)

I´m out.