Dark Tranquillity Song Survivor - round 23

Which song is the weakest?

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Doctor BenQuillity
May 7, 2001
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Last round Through Ebony Archways was voted off and not even traces of sand remain of it in the Survivor anymore. I wonder which song is gonna get its ass kicked this round.

The rules are the same as always: Choose from the above list the one song you think isn't quite good enough to go to the next round - and provide us with your reasonings if you can. And no cheating.

I know it is an unpopular choice, but I chose to vote off Hedon. I've wanted to vote for this song for 3 rounds now but had to "save" another song. Now it's time. Hedon Hedon Hedon must go
hyena said:
I will say Hedon until either me or the song drop dead.

*Begins the slow and ponderous assembly of his 47"... sniper rifle.*

Thusly, the logical choice for me to make so our beloved Hyena does not wind up swimmin with the fishies, is to vote off At Loss for Words. We now have a tie.

Child of Time said:

For some reason I have recently begun to read the above combination of letters as: Whine / Bullshit. :p

Anyways, I really hope At Loss for Words will get kicked out this round.

WTF is this?!? Hedon in danger to go so early? Come on, people, there's far worse songs on there! I didn't want to vote off At Loss for Words, but Hedon is my 2nd favourite DT song and it has to stay.

@Mags: i didn't expect this from you. :cry:

(and i'm sure you didn't expect this from me :p)
The same reason as me, I guess... He doesn't like it.

I've noticed how terribly inconsistent I am at these polls, but it's so long since I listened through DT's whole discography, and I keep finding songs I like less than I thought, and the other way around.
Not Built to Last pretty much dragged on and on.
Crimson Velvet said:
The same reason as me, I guess... He doesn't like it.

I've noticed how terribly inconsistent I am at these polls, but it's so long since I listened through DT's whole discography, and I keep finding songs I like less than I thought, and the other way around.

good point. I'm the same way. Maybe i'll give Hedon another shot ;)