Dark Tranquillity SUCK

Actually I think his opinion is as respectable as anybody's, as long as he doesn't insult anybody he can think DT sucks...
Originally posted by Thanatos
Actually I think his opinion is as respectable as anybody's, as long as he doesn't insult anybody he can think DT sucks...

what sets apart an opinion from a flame is the context and the way that you use to tell others about it. 'dt sucks' is kinda like 'dt rules', in its total lack of consistency (adding a few words concerning, say, why it is one way or the other might help), and yet i find it slightly more dumb than the average 'dt rules' remark because it is - obviously - posted here to irritate, unnerve and attract attention in a really, really trite way.

of course i will respect anyone who thinks dt sucks, but i still find there's no need to be deliberately unpleasant on a board unless you think you've got something to say.

funny how you all can discuss about that crap for longer than 10 sec. when i read it i was like "well ignore the fool". didn't think anyone here would bother...
but anyways he's a dumbass nevertheless :)
I agree with both Rahvin and Vultureculture, I know that this guy's comment was intended to irritate the people here and you know what? He achieved it with most of the people replying to his message, although many of them got back at him in a "funny" way, but I too think that a thread like this is not worthy of being answered, unless we turn it into a discussion about the value of people's opinions or the convenience of ignoring some of these opinions, which we already made :spin:
Originally posted by Thanatos
I too think that a thread like this is not worthy of being answered, unless we turn it into a discussion about the value of people's opinions or the convenience of ignoring some of these opinions, which we already made :spin:

wow, we are so damn clever and sassy! :grin:

seriously, i think there's not much difference between silly posts on this thread and silly posts on another. i hope nobody got irritated (apart from cows on million man march: who cares if he felt offended? :p :p ), after all on the old boards the flaming threads were much more frequent and much more flamboyant.
it spiced up or thursday/friday. ;)

Originally posted by Cows on million man march
u might find alot of these around other forums by me as well:grin:

what, you mean in case we were so interested in 'that band sucks' messages we couldn't do without reading some more? :rolleyes:

rahvin. (stand-ups: been there, done that)
Originally posted by Moshing Kosher
Rahvin if u dont like Cow dude then just...i guess just ignore his posts.

what?? :confused:
why in the world did i give you such an impression? :Saint:

rahvin. (spreading the word of love wherever he goes, which is, as of now, nowhere at all)
I like this thread, plenty of funny posts, and where else can i express my love (hate) for Linkin Park or LiMp BiZkIt!!!!!!! NOWHERE! Thank you Cow, we leave you too,

and Thanatos and VC, you guys ended up oosting here anyway! So let us all revel in the idiotic nature of this thread and drink beer, and lots of it!

Soooooooooooo now that we've discussed this issue thoroughly I suggest next time some really ehmmm bored tryes to amuse and challenge our ability to click over the "reply" button, we just ignore it and let the thread happily end in the pile of "we_were'nt_that_funny" threads!

fathervic (following moshing kosher advice)