Dark Tranquillity's "We are the void"


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
I did a few different searches and couldn't find any thread relating to this album. Am I missing something? LOL. I would assume there are some huge DT fans here. What are your thoughts on their new album?

I just got done watching the making of... documentary dvd that came with it. I'm loving the mix. And the bass tone crushes. :kickass: I love it.
@Jeff ... I agree. I really like the way it sounds, but you're right... I can't seem to listen to it for more than a few songs, then I need a break. Other than that, I really like the guitar and bass tones. The songwriting is good and I enjoy it, but definitely not up to par with Fiction or Character imo.
you guys are high... great CD, love it... listened to it twice through just yesterday while driving.... really dig it. the songs are great.
just a/b'ed several songs on it with several on Fiction.... songs are up for debate, and go for it.. i like them on WATV just fine.... but if WATV is "fatiguing" to you then Fiction must be as well... they are pretty equally hot and toppy... and both have sharp, spiky snares.. which can fatique my ears quicker than anything. in fact, the snare on Fiction does annoy me.
haven't heard the new one yet but so far nothing has lived up to the "Damage Done", "Projector", "Haven" hat-trick although "Character" did have some sexy ass riffs on it and a couple of great tunes
Overall I'd say that the writing on WATV is too obviously a copy/ paste of their previous arrangements, though there are still some good songs on here, just not really as good as the previousd albums.
I thought it was garbage. I can't listen to most of their albums, minus Skydancer, The Gallery, and Character. The mix/tones on character is amazing.
I listen to watv heaps, but I can still say fiction was better. IMO the mix slaughters watv. It's really fatiguing. And those drums oh man... Sample sample sample but they sound horrible :s
I fucking love this album. More then fiction even. Theres quite a bit added since there other recent stuff, some awesome thrashy riffs and huge huge atmospheres (ala inside the particle storm...but bigger somehow). The bass is killer! I don't find it fatiguing at all either. I love the drumsound they get. That snare always pops. I cant say the same about the unmastered mp3 version I heard leaked, that was all over the shop with home masterings and what not.

I've never heard anything more massive on disc then iridium in all my life. It gives me the same feeling as a perfectly mixed wall of sound black metal band live. On cd!
all the mixed comments here just go to show how subjective all this shit is.... the only problem is that too many seem to think that their entirely subjective opinion is irreducible fact. WATV sounds great to me, and i really dig the songs... naysayers can just... well... say nay. But you're not "right", anymore than i am.
I still havent picked it up yet... feeling guilty as fuck... known these cats for ages... lol.... BUT:

What I've heard, has been badass... what they played live... was badass... and I've liked almost fucking everything they've ever done. I need to grab this damn cd... I've just been so god damn busy lately.
Well slap me silly and call me a door knob!
No samples at all huh?
Then I guess I can say I'm impressed by that, but still not enjoying the tone of the drums overall. I personally don't like the smack of that snare for this style at all and personally the more POP sounding woody snare sits better for DT's stuff. Especially with how the guitar tone sits with most of their albums. The toms sound so weird on this those, and that mixed with the snare threw me off. Don't get me wrong, the guitars and bass sit great with eachother, I just dont enjoy the mix overall, and personally it does get pretty fatiguing.

But again, that's jsut me right ;)

Can anyone also atest to what the guitars were? Despite seeing the 5150 etc being used, it STILL sounds like there's some V-amp tone in there that they tend to use??