Club Logo's
EXEMPT www.exemptmusic.com
FORTHCOMING www.forthcomingmetal.com
A FAILED ESCAPE www.afailedescape.com
JACKNIFE www.jacknife.net
M.O.D. www.billymilano.com
By: Michael Griffey II
It could have been one of those nights that critics call "great", and in many ways, it was everything the hype said it would be. The only real drag of the evening was the poor attendance, but the 50 people who were there had a blast.
Crisis was unable to perform, so two additional opening acts were added at the last minute.
If you haven't been to Club Logo's yet, you're missing something. I wasn't sure what to expect, but these people have a really nice stage setup and are really good to the bands. The sound could use a little work at times, but really...what place has perfect sound at ALL times? They don't allow smoking in the building, which kind of sucks because of the constant in/out traffic, which means that the bands don't get a full crowd experience because the jerks are busy smoking outside instead of supporting the bands. My advice to these fair-day fans: Live without your smokes for a half hour and you might find a new band to get into. Club Logo's has pool tables and free PS2 video games as well...complete with an open wall so that you can play pool and still enjoy the bands. Did I say that I like this place? They also sell drinks and food...they have a killer Nacho Platter.
So, on to the bands:
EXEMPT, an instrumental trio from Evansville, began the night. These guys have a seriously tight sound with their prog-metal attack. They are probably one of the most under-rated bands in the state, and their search for a vocalist continues, but these guys truly kick ass without one. The bass guitarist plays an 8 string...most evil. Give these guys a chance, you won't go wrong.
FORTHCOMING is a relatively new band to the Indiana scene, just recently transplanted to the northern part of the state...but these guys are already making waves with their frenetic stage antics and the brutal sounds coming from the amps. Their sound reminds me a little of Disturbed and Pantera, but maybe you'll hear something different. These guys are hard workers...you WILL hear of them soon.
Then, the biggest losers of the night took the stage. Yes, I'm talking about none other than A FAILED ESCAPE. These guys keep sounding better every time I hear them with their insane punk-death-metal-rap-disco sound. Adam, the lead vocalist, kept clowning on Billy Milano and rightfully assumed that Bill would kick his ass after the show. The remains were scooped up and will be used at the next Gwar outing. They broke out some songs from their new album and scared the hell out of some unsuspecting members of the audience when they began playing a sixteen-beat. All in good fun. These guys never fail to entertain.
JACKNIFE then took the stage. As one of the bands touring with M.O.D., they showed a polished set that you would expect from a newly signed band. However, I'm not a fan of nu-metal, and I don't like bands that hop on stage. REALLY cool guys, crummy music. Sorry. Just not my cup of tea.
M.O.D. then commenced their set. I have been a fan of M.O.D./S.O.D. ever since the glory days of the early 80's...so it was a treat to meet the man who gave me so many moshing laughs during my formative years.
They played "Bubble Butt"...a couple of times....whenever some miscreant would offend Mr. Milano.
They played A.I.D.S.
They played all the greats...but they didn't play "At The Accident Scene". Damn them!
Bill slayed us with his Michael Jackson jokes, and even heard a few from the crowd. A lot I've heard before, but there were some that I hadn't heard which were just fantastic.
Then there was the idiot who stage-dived into EXEMPT's drumkit. With any luck, this ass hurt himself more than he hurt the drums. To quote Animal House, "Drunk, Fat & Stupid are no way to go through life, son."
Bill Milano has recently been mistreated by his label, Nuclear Blast, and hasn't received the promotion or tour support that he deserves. If you're too young to have heard of him, check out "Gross Misconduct", "M.O.D. for U.S.A.", and anything by S.O.D. He's had to support his own tour, as well as the release of his recent album, "Rebel You Love To Hate"...which he's giving away for free on his website at http://www.billymilano.com/news/youlovetohate.htm
Going from the top to highly under-rated...it's my hope that this punk/metal icon will rise again and be everything to a new set of fans that he was to me when I was a kid.
Club Logo's
EXEMPT www.exemptmusic.com
FORTHCOMING www.forthcomingmetal.com
A FAILED ESCAPE www.afailedescape.com
JACKNIFE www.jacknife.net
M.O.D. www.billymilano.com
By: Michael Griffey II

It could have been one of those nights that critics call "great", and in many ways, it was everything the hype said it would be. The only real drag of the evening was the poor attendance, but the 50 people who were there had a blast.
Crisis was unable to perform, so two additional opening acts were added at the last minute.
If you haven't been to Club Logo's yet, you're missing something. I wasn't sure what to expect, but these people have a really nice stage setup and are really good to the bands. The sound could use a little work at times, but really...what place has perfect sound at ALL times? They don't allow smoking in the building, which kind of sucks because of the constant in/out traffic, which means that the bands don't get a full crowd experience because the jerks are busy smoking outside instead of supporting the bands. My advice to these fair-day fans: Live without your smokes for a half hour and you might find a new band to get into. Club Logo's has pool tables and free PS2 video games as well...complete with an open wall so that you can play pool and still enjoy the bands. Did I say that I like this place? They also sell drinks and food...they have a killer Nacho Platter.
So, on to the bands:
EXEMPT, an instrumental trio from Evansville, began the night. These guys have a seriously tight sound with their prog-metal attack. They are probably one of the most under-rated bands in the state, and their search for a vocalist continues, but these guys truly kick ass without one. The bass guitarist plays an 8 string...most evil. Give these guys a chance, you won't go wrong.
FORTHCOMING is a relatively new band to the Indiana scene, just recently transplanted to the northern part of the state...but these guys are already making waves with their frenetic stage antics and the brutal sounds coming from the amps. Their sound reminds me a little of Disturbed and Pantera, but maybe you'll hear something different. These guys are hard workers...you WILL hear of them soon.
Then, the biggest losers of the night took the stage. Yes, I'm talking about none other than A FAILED ESCAPE. These guys keep sounding better every time I hear them with their insane punk-death-metal-rap-disco sound. Adam, the lead vocalist, kept clowning on Billy Milano and rightfully assumed that Bill would kick his ass after the show. The remains were scooped up and will be used at the next Gwar outing. They broke out some songs from their new album and scared the hell out of some unsuspecting members of the audience when they began playing a sixteen-beat. All in good fun. These guys never fail to entertain.
JACKNIFE then took the stage. As one of the bands touring with M.O.D., they showed a polished set that you would expect from a newly signed band. However, I'm not a fan of nu-metal, and I don't like bands that hop on stage. REALLY cool guys, crummy music. Sorry. Just not my cup of tea.
M.O.D. then commenced their set. I have been a fan of M.O.D./S.O.D. ever since the glory days of the early 80's...so it was a treat to meet the man who gave me so many moshing laughs during my formative years.
They played "Bubble Butt"...a couple of times....whenever some miscreant would offend Mr. Milano.
They played A.I.D.S.
They played all the greats...but they didn't play "At The Accident Scene". Damn them!
Bill slayed us with his Michael Jackson jokes, and even heard a few from the crowd. A lot I've heard before, but there were some that I hadn't heard which were just fantastic.
Then there was the idiot who stage-dived into EXEMPT's drumkit. With any luck, this ass hurt himself more than he hurt the drums. To quote Animal House, "Drunk, Fat & Stupid are no way to go through life, son."
Bill Milano has recently been mistreated by his label, Nuclear Blast, and hasn't received the promotion or tour support that he deserves. If you're too young to have heard of him, check out "Gross Misconduct", "M.O.D. for U.S.A.", and anything by S.O.D. He's had to support his own tour, as well as the release of his recent album, "Rebel You Love To Hate"...which he's giving away for free on his website at http://www.billymilano.com/news/youlovetohate.htm
Going from the top to highly under-rated...it's my hope that this punk/metal icon will rise again and be everything to a new set of fans that he was to me when I was a kid.