Darren's new band, Dead Men Dream


New Metal Member
Nov 11, 2001
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Dead Men Dream have recorded some songs.
The recordings are a bit raw, but the band are still developing a sound. A decent studio would sort out the rough edges, but it was recorded mostly live over a couple of days in a friend's studio so the rough edges are evident.
I am pleased to say that the 2 new songs are better. They'll be recorded in the New Year 2002.
At some point there will be MP3s available on the official Megasite. Then I would be interested in the opinion of Anathema fans.
In the meantime, if anyone has any interest in this, just ask...
peace & tranquility 2U all
Awesome thanks for the information....i am surely interested......Dead Men Dream, does that have anything to do with Mythology (elders..etc..etc..)..just curious.....by the way are you Darren?
The name Dead Men Dream is not meant to be mythological, but if it sounds it then that is fine. What words or phrases mean to me or you may be slightly different to someone else's view, and completely different to someone else!
With Dead Men Dream there was music before there was a name. There had been a lot of thinking and talking about it until we agreed on Dead Men Dream. We had thought of similar things but it was this phrase that I liked the sound of most. A body may be dead but the soul still dreams perhaps. I may be dead but I still dream. It is the old cliche of mine... through the unknown, unseen or undiscovered, infinite joys can be found. p&t2u:cry:
Is this what I asked about earlier, this new projekt to Darren. He said to kerrang (I think) that it would sound something a lá old anathema...is this so or will they (you?) develop a completly new sound?
Originally posted by lovelorn
The name Dead Men Dream is not meant to be mythological, but if it sounds it then that is fine. What words or phrases mean to me or you may be slightly different to someone else's view, and completely different to someone else!
With Dead Men Dream there was music before there was a name. There had been a lot of thinking and talking about it until we agreed on Dead Men Dream. We had thought of similar things but it was this phrase that I liked the sound of most. A body may be dead but the soul still dreams perhaps. I may be dead but I still dream. It is the old cliche of mine... through the unknown, unseen or undiscovered, infinite joys can be found. p&t2u:cry:

mmm... you are talking like you are actually in the band (i hope so). The title's meaning was pretty well constructed, so about the lyrics interpretations. Have you gone through the Anathema's "my love is dead"?
Hiya Darren, Hope everythings going well with the new band. I'm sure it'll be heavy. Lee says you were at the Anathema gig in London last night..hope you enjoyed it.. Merry Crimbo to you & Sylvi....Big J.
Originally posted by Mezarkabul
Does this band have a website? How are the vocals? Deathy or clean? Thanks.


Yes I am in process of putting up an official webpage for Dead Men Dream and the basics are already ready and I am waiting for Darren's approval. So far there isn't that muchyet but just info info of their first recording as well as some newsbits and samples but there is more to come. As soon as it has been approved by the band, I will post the URL here.

oh and about the vocals, they are clean, sort of a bit hollow like they were in The Blood Divine as well. Just a bit more rough.

- Mega
Originally posted by mega

Yes I am in process of putting up an official webpage for Dead Men Dream and the basics are already ready and I am waiting for Darren's approval. So far there isn't that muchyet but just info info of their first recording as well as some newsbits and samples but there is more to come. As soon as it has been approved by the band, I will post the URL here.

oh and about the vocals, they are clean, sort of a bit hollow like they were in The Blood Divine as well. Just a bit more rough.

Alright the OFFICIAL D E A D M E N D R E A M site is now up and running at http://wakeup.to/deadmendream There is not much content yet but there is more to come soon. Check it out and let me or Darren know what you think.
looking good Mega:)
I have the CD courtesy of Daz and its really growing on me!I'm just thankful that we have the talents of someone such as him back in metal music:)