Daughters - Hell Songs . . . . . . . . . for fans of Mr. Bungle and DEP

He must not mean me, I'm well aware of the history of noise music :p

plus my extra chromosomes result in SUPER POWERS, not retard powers
This thread amuses me about as much as people using the word "noisecore" in a non-derogatory manner...yeah, I know that word isn't exactly new, but I haven't got the time to keep track of all these -core variants...
That said, I'll give this a listen, if only because of your track record and indirectly namedropping Patton...
pretty awesome, im gonna check out more songs.....Converge played two new songs when i saw them last month with Mastodon, and they were pretty awesome. i dont think they'll ever top Jane Doe, but im definitely looking forward to the new one.
I'm enjoying this - I've been put off listening to them in the past because of a combination of their seemingly mainly hipster fanbase and their general assholery in interviews, but I'm gonna have to check out more now. This chaotic noisecore thing has always been happy listening for me.
I take the term noisecore for "Enemy of the Sun" or some Today is the Day. Where's the 'noise' in Daughters? Canada Songs is like DEP without the melodies, more frenetic/extreme. I would have called it mathcore or something.

Funny thing about Daughters : all of their pre-Hell Songs shows didn't last more than 20 minutes, or so I've been told. With an 11-minute debut, what can you expect?
dill_the_devil said:
their general assholery in interviews

And that's a fucking understatement. "Yeah, we're doing something unique here and if you don't like it, then you don't understand it." Granted that's a paraphrase, but still....
Oh, and by the way, I love mr bungle and select DEP. These guys fucking suck. The thread title sucks. THIS THREAD SUCKS.
dill_the_devil said:
Yeah, seriously. Five page threads about black-type-on-black-card-gatefold CD packaging of windswept-forest-and-lute-metal albums are cool, but a thread about Daughters is 'worst thread ever'?

canada songs is pretty cool. and weird. and short, which is also good because the cool weirdness turns into a headache after more than half an hour.