For the Revolution - your reactions

This album will go relatively unnoticed while Children of Bodom's "Blooddrunk," a fairly mediocre album will get tons of exposure on Headbanger's Ball. That's the way things are I guess.
This album will go relatively unnoticed while Children of Bodom's "Blooddrunk," a fairly mediocre album will get tons of exposure on Headbanger's Ball. That's the way things are I guess.
Im am SURE that Kalmah is GLAD that they will not appear on Headbanger's Ball, headbangers ball sucks ass anyway. Kalmah hit number 17 in the Finnish Charts. Thats pretty good. CoB number 3 or 4. Cob will probably always get more recognition cuz they are sellout pigs.
btw CoB were 1st on finnish charts for two weeks in a row if I remember well...anyway Blooddrunk sucks and For the revolution is awesome, so charts mean nothing.
For forum members:Hi people! First what I have to say is that little bit of you have good musical taste and becouse of you grate bands are sinking down...

For band members:Now let's go to buisnis...
If FTR was made by some other band I may be say it's good or something...but becouse Kalmah made it I just have to say it is toy for children and for children and unserious people... First 3 albums were artistic good and I never found nothing that can be near them by goodness, exelency and many other things! 4th album disapointed me too but it still was better then good so I couldn't make any complainments... But this album os only good album and I can't take it any more to don't complain! Kalmah is my favourite band I don't whana it sinks down into avarege bands :(((((((((


EDIT: Just to mention... I am not the only one who thinks like that... evry guy in Serbia that I know to listen Kalmah thinks like that... :(
Btw people who don't know much about music and don't have sense for it don't listen Kalmah here so... please... please... AAaaaaaaaaaaa!
For forum members:Hi people! First what I have to say is that little bit of you have good musical taste and becouse of you grate bands are sinking down...

For band members:Now let's go to buisnis...
If FTR was made by some other band I may be say it's good or something...but becouse Kalmah made it I just have to say it is toy for children and for children and unserious people... First 3 albums were artistic good and I never found nothing that can be near them by goodness, exelency and many other things! 4th album disapointed me too but it still was better then good so I couldn't make any complainments... But this album os only good album and I can't take it any more to don't complain! Kalmah is my favourite band I don't whana it sinks down into avarege bands :(((((((((


EDIT: Just to mention... I am not the only one who thinks like that... evry guy in Serbia that I know to listen Kalmah thinks like that... :(
Btw people who don't know much about music and don't have sense for it don't listen Kalmah here so... please... please... AAaaaaaaaaaaa!
well i think what you say is not true, but thats just my opinion, I think Kalmah is getting better. oh and dont be suprised if people on here start talking shit to you.
I know that they will :-) I don't worry about that.

I can give sam arguments why I have opinion like that. First of all I don't like tehno music and I think that keys should remain there... Sound that imitates violins or symphonic orcestra I can survive becouse I supose that band still don't have enough money to pay orcestra to play for them... but when I hear sound of electric guitar played on keys I feel like this:" :Puke: "
Melodies are very important in Kalmah but that is melodic death metal... it isn't pop music... metal is music where guitars,bass and drums should have main word in music... keys are good for acordation and sound like in song "evil in you" becouse that is something that can be played only on organo and keys... but organo is to heavy and expansive instrument so I can live with that use of synths.

Second... (it is my personal and depends from taste to taste) I more liked old stile vocals... Where Kalmah used more high pitched vocals and low growls were in second plays and were only preformed by group growling... Becouse I consider that speed metal can't be pulled by low growl... it is for bands like amon amarth where melodis are slow...

Third... I like when band plays something that other people can't play too easy...that is not case with last 2 albums...
In fact I am contrabass player adn beside Kalmah I often listen classical music and guess what there is similar thing... Best music was written 300 and more years ago... good music was written 100-300 years ago... and in last 50 years I don't know any classical composer who can write something that is nice for listening...
Something like that is in metal but Kalmah is excelent band who can change that...
Metal scene starts looking like mtv... one day there is singer who is adored from all the world... next day he/she is gone... noone remebers it... I don't whana that people forget Kalmah like that... Becose this music that is on last 2 albums is music that can be adored for short time... Real things are on first 3 albums... that can be listened for years and not to be forgotten... Like Beethovens 5th symphony... or like Mozarts Requiem... things like that you know?
Adn sorry for double post... I didn't noticed this question...

eternalswamplord~> Thx, that's helping me a bit.. but it's doesn't answers me completely =P

"Underneath walks a man having a dream
Wants to teach us his own way to live"

Who's the man they talking about?
Sorry for my intense curiosity O_O

I don't think it's swamplord... I don't thing that it is positive caracter... I think that that caracter, who have a dream and whants us to follow him, is som big bad guy who takes world with a forse... so maybe it is anty-nazy song about how hitler is bad and about revolution against him... but it can be revolutionary song with parole: "weapons against capitalisam"
Sucks to be an American sometimes, doesn't it? Well, I can get my passport in September, so I might be able to go to Tuska 09=D. Would have loved to go to 06, though, all my favorite bands in one place. And I really don't like having to get my CDs on ebay or special order them from out of the country. I like being able to walk into a cd store with money and walk out with cds.
eternalswamplord~> Thx, that's helping me a bit.. but it's doesn't answers me completely =P

"Underneath walks a man having a dream
Wants to teach us his own way to live"

Who's the man they talking about?
Sorry for my intense curiosity O_O
