Dave Ellefson to return to Megadeth???

AlexStomp said:
And then metal fans go and make categories for every single "type" of metal.
If it wasn't for the stupidity and ignorance of metal fans, metal would have never gone to the underground.
Here a
for you.
AlexStomp said:
OOHH !! They had dinner together. Big fucking deal. It's over. Get over it. This is the problem with most metal fans. They want the same fucking album every year. The same line-up. The same everything. Only AC/DC can pull this off.

Dance beats? fuck it, its gay. Rythm and blues?? Fuck it, it's gay. Funk? Fuck it, it's gay. Melodic/dive/soulful singing?? Fuck it, it's gay. Hip hop?? fuck it, it's for my pals. Soul?? fuck, it's gay. This is the mentality of most metal fans.

And then metal fans go and make categories for every single "type" of metal.
If it wasn't for the stupidity and ignorance of metal fans, metal would have never gone to the underground. And John Bush's contributions to Anthrax would have never gone unnoticed.

I hope enough people read this before that faggot Brentney bans me and erases this post.

Yep, all metal heads are racisist and dumb. Way to go.
AlexStomp said:
OOHH !! They had dinner together. Big fucking deal. It's over. Get over it. This is the problem with most metal fans. They want the same fucking album every year. The same line-up. The same everything. Only AC/DC can pull this off.

Q: How many drummers have AC/DC had?

Q: Heard of motorhead?

Q: Heard of Bolt Thrower?

Dance beats? fuck it, its gay. Rythm and blues?? Fuck it, it's gay. Funk? Fuck it, it's gay. Melodic/dive/soulful singing?? Fuck it, it's gay. Hip hop?? fuck it, it's for RETARDS. Soul?? fuck, it's gay. This is the mentality of most metal (I think the clue was in the name) fans.

those are my opinions. Shit, I'm not as eclectic as you - therefore I must be an ignorant, uneducated fuck.

And then metal fans go and make categories for every single "type" of metal.
If it wasn't for the stupidity and ignorance of metal fans, metal would have never gone to the underground. And John Bush's contributions to Anthrax would have never gone unnoticed.

1. Genre definitions were made by journalists because of the huge variety in metal music, to aid both the purchaser and the fan in discussing their music. Don't like it? Don't adhere to the genres then. Most are up for constant debate anyway.

2. Metal went underground because all the people that jumped on it as fashion went chasing the next fad. I gues they all had eclectic tastes too. I wonder who stuck around and bought the cd's in the meantime when every other cunt was chasing rap and dance albums? Oh yeah, it was the ignorant, stupid-fuck metal fans. Overground metal = Disturbed. Underground metal = not Disturbed. I know which I prefer.

3. Those people that stuck with the band, irrespective of missing Joey, recognised the contribution of John Bush because they still listened to metal (see point 2.)

I hope enough people read this before that faggot Brentney bans me and erases this post.

I read it, but I think your post does not concur with my opinion.

If only more people had not been underground eh? Then we could all buy the same MTV approved, common denominator shite. :err:
Hawng, I hope you brought enough for everybody!:Spin:

Was it ever explained why Phil Rudd was kicked out and then brought back into AC/DC? Rumors I heard (and I stress that - rumors) had it being something drug-related.
hmmmm , I had always heard Phil left to raise his family and pursue his racing stuff. I wouldn't be suprised by a drug thing though. Luckily he just came back into the band and kept pounding the drums years later. Seems like last year there were a lot of rumors going around about a new AC/DC disc and tour, latley I havn't heard anything though. Maybe they're all in rehab.
I read that Mustaine wanted something to happen, but Ellefson bailed several tines and never gave an answer, so Mustaine moved on.

Regardless, the people that want Ellefson back are holding on to the glimmer of hope that they'll put something like PSBWB or Rust in Peace together. These are the same people that are holding out hope for Metallica and listen to the hype they leak every time they record another album that "The new album will be a return to their roots".

Instead of pulling for bands from the past doing something of substance now, give some press and interest to bands that have been creative consistent, but have not gotten the notariety. I was tired waiting around for more of the same old shit and bands I liked going commercial, so I just searched out new bands that deserved my $$$.
dailyvault said:
Hawng, I hope you brought enough for everybody!:Spin:

Was it ever explained why Phil Rudd was kicked out and then brought back into AC/DC? Rumors I heard (and I stress that - rumors) had it being something drug-related.

I remember reading Phil was doing crazy suicidal stuff back then - probably as a result of Bon's death. I believe Phil didn't even play drums on "Flick", although don't ask me where I read that it's just something I remember seeing somewhere.
sknight said:
Regardless, the people that want Ellefson back are holding on to the glimmer of hope that they'll put something like PSBWB or Rust in Peace together. These are the same people that are holding out hope for Metallica and listen to the hype they leak every time they record another album that "The new album will be a return to their roots".

Instead of pulling for bands from the past doing something of substance now, give some press and interest to bands that have been creative consistent, but have not gotten the notariety. I was tired waiting around for more of the same old shit and bands I liked going commercial, so I just searched out new bands that deserved my $$$.

I would love to see the Rust in Peace line-up back together. That don't mean that I'd assume they'll make a new RIP. It's just that how am supposed to be a Megadeth fan when the guys that made me a fan aren't around anymore? (I still am, though)
DarrellDethSDMF said:
I would love to see the Rust in Peace line-up back together. That don't mean that I'd assume they'll make a new RIP. It's just that how am supposed to be a Megadeth fan when the guys that made me a fan aren't around anymore? (I still am, though)
That was a long time ago and don't forget they came up with some weak MTV stuff afterward. Great lineup, but RIP isn't gonna happen again.

Luckily, there are PLENTY of bands you can support as an alternative, since you're not really getting the music you loved anymore. You don't have to wait around on a band that's not relevant TO YOU while you could be giving your business and some press to other bands that are keeping it true.
sknight said:
I read that Mustaine wanted something to happen, but Ellefson bailed several tines and never gave an answer, so Mustaine moved on.

Regardless, the people that want Ellefson back are holding on to the glimmer of hope that they'll put something like PSBWB or Rust in Peace together. These are the same people that are holding out hope for Metallica and listen to the hype they leak every time they record another album that "The new album will be a return to their roots".

Instead of pulling for bands from the past doing something of substance now, give some press and interest to bands that have been creative consistent, but have not gotten the notariety. I was tired waiting around for more of the same old shit and bands I liked going commercial, so I just searched out new bands that deserved my $$$.

You don't find this ironic, from a Celtic Frost fan?

I give to bands that have produced. I even buy my music. I don't hold on to the glimmer of hope that bands like Dream Theater will produce something special again, so I shift to Symphony X and Zero Hour.

The new CF album is something I want, as well as it being a special case. You will most likely not have any access to the early demo material that was scrapped for this album, but I found it to be hard and exactly what I wanted. The stuff that finally appears on the album is very different, and darker.

So what's the problem?
sknight said:

I give to bands that have produced. I even buy my music. I don't hold on to the glimmer of hope that bands like Dream Theater will produce something special again, so I shift to Symphony X and Zero Hour.

The new CF album is something I want, as well as it being a special case. You will most likely not have any access to the early demo material that was scrapped for this album, but I found it to be hard and exactly what I wanted. The stuff that finally appears on the album is very different, and darker.

So what's the problem?

Maybe my last post came across as too sarcastic. If I did, I apologise.

I merely meant that Celtic Frosts "progression" since Emperors Return have been a successive series of musical failures for me. I have't enjoyed anything of theirs consistently since then; and Tom's musical projects since then (Appolyon Sun and the Probot track) left me distinctly cold.

...and for the record, I buy all my music, except for the promo cds I am sent to review. I kind of agree with some of what you are saying, as won't buy another thing that Skyclad will produce following the departure of Martin Walkyier - but having said that, Celtic Frost have been nothing of a dissapointment to me.
