DAW clipping vs. Preamp clipping


Brian K
Oct 3, 2006
Columbus, OH
So this might be a rather n00b question but I can't find a straight answer.

When you are recording input and it is clipping the fader on the DAW, but not clipping the preamp, are you recording a clipped signal? Or is the signal being recorded in an unclipped state that can be turned down out of clip range later (using the faders)?

Obviously when you're clipping the preamps you will be bringing a clipped signal in before you even get to the DAW.

I know it's good practice to avoid red to begin with, but sometimes I am recording live shows and trying to mix at the same time and it's difficult to keep an eye on my levels while mixing.
i would think that if you clip in the daw and record it while its clipping that even if you turned it down there would still be digital distortion..
Yeah, DAW clipping usually indicates converter clipping, whereas the preamp clipping is strictly analog; still, both are avoidable, but if you feel the need to clip at least one, then I guess the preamp would be preferable! :loco:
Ok I get it. Thanks for the clarification. I don't want to clip anything on purpose I was just trying to see how it affected the signal chain, some reason I just wasn't getting it.
Put the daw's track fader to 0 and do a test playing the instrument very hard, set the preamp gain so the preamp and the daw level don't clip.
After that, if you raise the track fader during the recording and it clip the daw fader, you're ok because when you record the fader is a "monitor" fader.