Daylight Dies on guitar.

Nov 29, 2008
there are no tabs in the internet! for the Dismantling Devotion and Lost to the living album...
I just know that Last Alone is in Standard E tuning (tabbed by my ear), all the other songs are in some down step tuning...
anybody know what is the TUNING for the albums aforementioned? if i'll know the tuning... it will be easy to get the tabs. :)
Eb standard for almost everything. Last Alone was a strange tuning b/c I originally wrote it on a guitar tuned to B (Eb, Ab, Db, D, Bb, Eb). I believe that Woke up lost is in drop Db but it may just be the acoustic part.
Historically Barre has written most of the material and we've hashed out the arrangements as a group but this is changing some now with everyone spread out. Jesse and I have contributed some stuff here and there-- Jesse wrote most of the song Dismantling and I wrote last alone-- but aside from that it's just been some riffs here and there and the rest has been Barre.
Historically Barre has written most of the material and we've hashed out the arrangements as a group but this is changing some now with everyone spread out. Jesse and I have contributed some stuff here and there-- Jesse wrote most of the song Dismantling and I wrote last alone-- but aside from that it's just been some riffs here and there and the rest has been Barre.

You guys are incredible! Can't wait for the new album! :worship:
Eb standard for almost everything. Last Alone was a strange tuning b/c I originally wrote it on a guitar chords tuned to B (Eb, Ab, Db, D, Bb, Eb). I believe that Woke up lost is in drop Db but it may just be the acoustic part.

It is definitely an Eb. And yeah, is the new CD released? Would really like to hear the latest songs. Keep rocking!
Dear Ghost of mother can you pleese send me the tabs for Last Alone (in standardE)?I want to learn this song so badly..
Just to be clear, b/c of the use of open strings in Last Alone it will be much higher pitched if played on a guitar in E standard. That's why we used that wacky tuning on the record -- to keep the key consistant with how I wrote it so I could actually sing the part.

wow tnx egan that was fast!but i was wondering can you also send tab for the solo-like part that woud be and my band can make a cover then :)))
can you also be more specific about the tunig that you used in the recorded song?i mean what are the strings tuned like.
Sorry man. Tabbing the solo is too much time and effort right now. We've got new ones to write.
Regarding the tuning, I wrote it on a guitar in B so it's just a 5th lower than what's tabbed above (although it looks like the formatting got jacked). When we recorded, b/c the entire album is in Eb we just dropped the Gb to a D so that we could have an open D which is pretty integral to the first riff. Tuned that way the first note is on the first fret of the Ab string. I wouldn't recommend doing it this way. It was just the best solution for keeping the key reasonable for me to sing and not having to change the tone of the guitar considerably with heavy strings.