dDrum pro triggers


Jul 26, 2006
I just picked up 2 ddrum pro kick triggers threw them on my drummers set first time using triggers by teh way first question how tight do i keep them to the hoop / head . rigth now there both pretty tight. second thing i pluged them both into a roland drum brain .. teh lowest model one by teh, way and i set both inputs to teh same volume , same sample but one is always louder then the other i no its not teh trigger cuz i switched inputs and it still does it it might be the brain ? last thing should it be mis trigger i plugged them straight into my interface and im geetting diff levels is that normal it woudl be great if i could get them all teh same level .

thanx guys.,

As far as the brain, you can try turning the sensitivity/gain up on the trigger via the brain's interface. As far as going directly to your interface and still having the problem, what would hint at a problem with the trigger itself, maybe wiring, I dunno. However you said you switched the inputs and it reacted the same way. I would go out on a limb and say maybe it's the kick drum itself, are both beater heads tuned to the same tension? One being a little tighter than the other would make it more responsive.

well i was saying when i plug them into my interface the hits are diff liek im just wondering how u get every hit teh exact same volume or is that the naturalness in the trigger.

The trigger WILL represent variables in dynamics/velocity. If you are using a plug-in such as apTrigga or Drumagog then just set the threshold to below the peak of the lowest hit and you should have no problems.

T-H-E!!!!! THE cat chased THE mouse, THE monkey threw THE feces, etc. - this "teh" joke is getting pretty old.

Sorry, had to get that out of my system.

Also, I'm currently torn between a ddrum kick trigger or using a shitty dynamic that I can use for the same effect in the DAW. Whaddya guys think, is the ddrum worth it? Cuz I've heard they have some reliability issues (even the pro ones)...
Hmm...I've been working with DDrum Pro triggers for a few years now and never had a problem with them. Almost every project I've worked on has used a trigger, or several, and everything works fine. I think using a trigger would be cleaner in the long run than a mic. But that's just me.

Hmm, coolness - a kick model is cheap enough anyway, and you're definitely right about cleanliness, so I think I'll go for it, thanks dude! Now can I just get a TS to XLR cable, plug it in a preamp, and that'll do it?
soudsn good thanx guys ..its actually pretty funny when u listen to teh triggered noise i thought it would be completitly ticks but its a mic lol but its a crappy sounding mic lol but it great for getting just the hits u want.
I dont bother with triggers any more.. if i did use them; id use them on toms. for me the snare and kick are normally clean enough to do it off the miced track. I just record more room mics instead.
hey ho ymmv
Metaltastic: If you have an XLR connection for your pre, you can just use a regular XLR cable. The DDrum Pro series have an XLR connection on them.

GreySkull: Then you must get some killer isolation with your mic'ing techniques if the snare mic is clean enough to trigger from *all* the time. Please show me some pics of your placement next time you get a chance. The kick I can believe, since the mic is inside the shell, but even still there can be bleed, you wouldn't believe some of the mix projects I've gotten where the snare is more present in the kick mic than in the snare mic, lol.

i still get bleed from my triggers theres liek low noise of the other drums when i connect it straight into my interface after i record i play them back and i have cymbals a little snare lol is that normal? QUESTION what drum brains should i get for live * i want to upload my own samples?
Yes it's normal, but imagine if it was an actual mic, it'd be much worse.

As for a live module with the option to upload your own samples, that's something out of my league. I'm not savvy on hardware samplers at all. Maybe somebody could clue everyone in on this kind of stuff?

@heavenshell: When plugging straight into the interface, are you running drumagog or apptrigga(sp) at the same time when you record?

Just curious, because when i was new to the "trigger straight into the interface" method i just ran the trigger straight with no 'post triggering' to adjust the sensitvity and had the same problem with "bleed".
why thank you lol.
do note that i dont track with drumagog on; coz id rather get the drummer getting the parts sounding right without it. so its much easier to use drumagog as an offline process and tweak it so its getting a cleaner signal; sometimes i put a gate on the snare track too if it needs help cleaning it up before drumagog, but normally i dont.

if the drummer cant play fast enough with his feet (as is often the case) then i just wont have him playing that part and slip it in later.
auralex on the back of the mic helps to kill hat bleed and havin drummers who hit the snare like a beast each time and going easy on the hats helps though!
wll its not reallly a problem i just thought maybe u would be getting teh same signal every hit .. wel stupid me that doesnt make o much sense i would just adjust teh sensitivity to teh lowest hit then they would all be teh same volume ..@deanbailey no i do not use aptrigga first off lol but no i use drum a gog after recording ie. playing back so the drums actually soudns like kicks lolone question is there an exact way to set up ur kick triggers liek how tight were thanx alot guys .. and wat brain shoould i use live if i want to upload my own saamples alesis dm5?
The bleed i was getting was rediculous. On the kick trigger track the snare hits and 1st tom were equally as loud as the kick which didn't do too well when using drumagog afterwards.

Once i used drumagog during the recording i lowered the sensitivity which allowed only the kick "splats" to come through.
...That's just what i experienced.
OMFG leik i wish i culd figger ovt wut the fuck u r trying to say
dont U ned to text ur BFF or sumpin?

maybe the prblm wit teh trggers is tht U R a fuking retard

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