Dead Can Dance - and other shows to see


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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Well, for those of you who care, Oakland tickets went on sale today and appear to be going fast! I got lucky and got a good seat both nights. I'm also going to Seattle (though for only one night). Can't wait. DCD is probably my favorite band (though they are not really a band somehow). I know there are some fans here, so maybe I'll see some of you Ultimatemetal folk there!

Bring on September!

On a sour note, Saxon is postponed. Ah well. No word on a refund or what have you, but the club in my area says it's being rescheduled, so we'll see.

Last but not least, I think I've decided "yes" on Ozzfest. Worth it for Maiden and Sabbath together, especially since Maiden is concentrating on the first four albums. It would be cool if Sabbath did something similar. So far, a good year for shows......especially since last year was a little slow in my eyes.
ElectricWiz said:
On a sour note, Saxon is postponed. Ah well. No word on a refund or what have you, but the club in my area says it's being rescheduled, so we'll see.

Mine was cancelled :erk: I may ending going to see Kreator to do "something"...