Dead Kennedys

Base Delta Zero

Senior Meatbag
Feb 12, 2006
I think they're one of the greatest punk bands ever and also one of the most well-rounded, unique and talented. They're also one of the first punk bands I ever got into. I was instantly drawn to East Bay Ray's crazy guitar playing and Jello's often hilarious - always twisted vocals. When I was kid, the Dead Kennedys actually 'moved me' - silly as it sounds.

My personal favorite will always be 'Plastic Surgery Disasters' and 'Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables' though all of their albums are awesome.

Are there any more Dead Kennedys fans around here?
Love em. Possibly the greatest punk band ever. Danceable, moshable and Jello's funny yet darkly cynical lyrics are more politically confronting than any band I've ever heard.

PLastic Surgery Disasters is my favourite too, just ahead of Fresh Fruit.
any particular song that would be considered a must hear ? Ill check it on youtube, Im quite into political music.
I'm a fan, but I've only got Give Me convenience OR Give Me Death and Frankenchrist. Need to get more. "Too Drunk to Fuck" was the song that turned me onto the band:

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Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death is pretty weak imo... which is not surprising considering it's a compilation of random stuff from throughout their career. Frankenchrist has it's moments... Soup is Good Food and This Could be Anywhere are pretty scathing tracks.
Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death is pretty weak imo... which is not surprising considering it's a compilation of random stuff from throughout their career. Frankenchrist has it's moments... Soup is Good Food and This Could be Anywhere are pretty scathing tracks.
Agreed though 'Pull My Strings' is awesome - as is the story behind it. Supposedly, it was recorded at the Bay Area Music Awards, where they were invited to give the ceremony 'new wave credibility'. Of course, knowing that the cream of the recording industry crop was going to be there, they just had to make a statement - and what a statement.
How in the hell are these threads better than the ones I started?. Reported your abuse of authority to Deron.

You've gotta be kidding. The op in this thread tells a story about how he got into the band, names his favorite releases, and asks if anyone else is into them. Your thread(s) consisted of "Such and such band rules my face". If you can't see the difference there then there's something wrong with you.

AT THE VERY LEAST ask a question or provide some info. You don't actually have to 'write a novel' at all. If this is me 'abusing my power' then I'll gladly step down as mod.