
Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
Dude, ok I am like really seriously considering going to Metalcamp this year. But I need a little help/advice/motivation from you. It's not gonna be too expensive overall for me so cost is not too big of an issue, I mean it's not gonna be cheap either but it won't break the bank. The plane ticket to Trieste, Italy (which is apparently on 88KM from the festival site) is like $1575. I can probably manage to score free passes to the festival itself, so now I was wondering what other costs do you think would be involved. Food, shelter, travel, etc? Any estimates?

Any info you can give would be greatly appreciated! Thanks man!

I'd leave on the 30th of June, get in Trieste at like 2:35PM on the 1st of July, then make my way to MC. I'm planning on catching my plane on the 9th or 10th, haven't determined yet, the flight on the 9th is at 6:45am.
Fuck i want an omelette so bad right now.

Mushrooms, green peppers and swiss.

Nigiri all the way.


Dude, ok I am like really seriously considering going to Metalcamp this year. But I need a little help/advice/motivation from you. It's not gonna be too expensive overall for me so cost is not too big of an issue, I mean it's not gonna be cheap either but it won't break the bank. The plane ticket to Trieste, Italy (which is apparently on 88KM from the festival site) is like $1575. I can probably manage to score free passes to the festival itself, so now I was wondering what other costs do you think would be involved. Food, shelter, travel, etc? Any estimates?

Any info you can give would be greatly appreciated! Thanks man!

I'd leave on the 30th of June, get in Trieste at like 2:35PM on the 1st of July, then make my way to MC. I'm planning on catching my plane on the 9th or 10th, haven't determined yet, the flight on the 9th is at 6:45am.


Ok dude, here's the deal. The tickets for the fest should be around 120 euros, which is about 170 American Dollars, more or less. That's for the ENTIRE festival, one solid week, parking and camping included. I'm sure you'll be here until the very end, as I wouldn't want to fly all the way here (it's a 12 hour flight) for three days then go back home. However, there are 3 day passes as well as single day passes, and I'm sure you know that but I just wanted to make you aware of the fact that you must specifically request the one week from them. Don't forget that I think you have to pay a fee for the MC bus from Trieste!

As far as other costs, I would bring plenty of spending money just for cds, t-shirts, other stupid crap that we all love to buy on the spur of the moment at the metal market.

Also, you're gonna want to bring some camping stuff, and therefore you'll want to buy your groceries here. Actually, buy them in Slovenia when you get to MC because the grocery store is about half a mile from the camping area, it's cheap as fuck, and they actually speak English. DON'T BUY ANYTHING IN TRIESTE. Just literally drive 10 miles across the border and get yer stuff. They have more variety in Slovenia anyway...Italians don't know anything that's not from Italy.

Also, you're gonna wanna try some of the local food that's really good; be forewarned, it's quite heavy. There will be plenty to eat at the festival, but it's somewhat expensive. 5 euros for the burgers, although they're quite big, it's nothing like a real American hamburger. They have pizza that's edible and usually really good kebab, although last year it sucked because they changed vendor for some reason. Basically, you won't starve, but you'll spend a shitload of money for an entire week. Much better to stock up for a week when you get there with camping-type food that won't spoil from the heat, because it gets FUCKING HOT during the summer. It's in a valley between mountains and there's very little wind. Fortunately, there's a river nearby for swimming and lots of shade in the woods surrounding you. Here's a good checklist:

- Camping utensils (pots and pans and stuff)
- Coleman portable stove which you can probably buy in Tolmin
- Tent...make sure it's waterproof because when it rains, it pours
- Bring plenty of blankets too because at night it gets FUCKING COLD and humid
- I'd bring about 50 euros just for groceries and another 100 or so for all the beer and other crap you're gonna want to buy, unless you don't give a shit and you just wanna swim all day and watch the concerts all night...literally all night.
- Toilet paper
- Towels for the and cold showers. Cold showers are free and hot showers are like 2 euros or something. Also bring some sandals or something for the showers because people tend to fuck in them. Last year this couple pissed everyone off who was waiting in line for the shower because they decided to fuck really loudly in the shower and keep everyone waiting.

That's pretty much it. If you can get most of that stuff you'll be set. Also if you need anything I can help you out as well. Maybe not so much monetarily, as I'm fucking broke, but whatever else you need that I may have I'll be happy to help. Also, pretty much everyone takes care of everyone's a very neighborly atmosphere.

If you don't have all that stuff, don't worry. Most people show up for the entire week with the shirt on their backs and tickets and just sleep wherever they pass out. It's like a week-long beach party.

One more thing:

GET HERE EARLY. The concerts last 5 days, and the very first day and very last day are used for setting up/tearing down. They usually start on Wednesday, with the first show on Thursday. I would show up Tuesday night and try to find your spot as early as possible, anything in the shade is highly recommended. Even if you have to walk a long way to the concert area, sitting out in 90 degree heat under your tent FUCKING SUCKS. Trust me. Don't worry about finding something to do to kill the time. Tolmin is a beautiful but small and quiet town, and they really do pander to the metalheads during MC. All the bars are open really late, as well as restaurants, stores, etc. The worst thing that could happen by you getting here early is having to drink all night (usually for free) with a bunch of metalheads.

FUCK PMs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Ok dude, here's the deal. The tickets for the fest should be around 120 euros, which is about 170 American Dollars, more or less. That's for the ENTIRE festival, one solid week, parking and camping included. I'm sure you'll be here until the very end, as I wouldn't want to fly all the way here (it's a 12 hour flight) for three days then go back home. However, there are 3 day passes as well as single day passes, and I'm sure you know that but I just wanted to make you aware of the fact that you must specifically request the one week from them. Don't forget that I think you have to pay a fee for the MC bus from Trieste!

As far as other costs, I would bring plenty of spending money just for cds, t-shirts, other stupid crap that we all love to buy on the spur of the moment at the metal market.

Also, you're gonna want to bring some camping stuff, and therefore you'll want to buy your groceries here. Actually, buy them in Slovenia when you get to MC because the grocery store is about half a mile from the camping area, it's cheap as fuck, and they actually speak English. DON'T BUY ANYTHING IN TRIESTE. Just literally drive 10 miles across the border and get yer stuff. They have more variety in Slovenia anyway...Italians don't know anything that's not from Italy.

Also, you're gonna wanna try some of the local food that's really good; be forewarned, it's quite heavy. There will be plenty to eat at the festival, but it's somewhat expensive. 5 euros for the burgers, although they're quite big, it's nothing like a real American hamburger. They have pizza that's edible and usually really good kebab, although last year it sucked because they changed vendor for some reason. Basically, you won't starve, but you'll spend a shitload of money for an entire week. Much better to stock up for a week when you get there with camping-type food that won't spoil from the heat, because it gets FUCKING HOT during the summer. It's in a valley between mountains and there's very little wind. Fortunately, there's a river nearby for swimming and lots of shade in the woods surrounding you. Here's a good checklist:

- Camping utensils (pots and pans and stuff)
- Coleman portable stove which you can probably buy in Tolmin
- Tent...make sure it's waterproof because when it rains, it pours
- Bring plenty of blankets too because at night it gets FUCKING COLD and humid
- I'd bring about 50 euros just for groceries and another 100 or so for all the beer and other crap you're gonna want to buy, unless you don't give a shit and you just wanna swim all day and watch the concerts all night...literally all night.
- Toilet paper
- Towels for the and cold showers. Cold showers are free and hot showers are like 2 euros or something. Also bring some sandals or something for the showers because people tend to fuck in them. Last year this couple pissed everyone off who was waiting in line for the shower because they decided to fuck really loudly in the shower and keep everyone waiting.

That's pretty much it. If you can get most of that stuff you'll be set. Also if you need anything I can help you out as well. Maybe not so much monetarily, as I'm fucking broke, but whatever else you need that I may have I'll be happy to help. Also, pretty much everyone takes care of everyone's a very neighborly atmosphere.

If you don't have all that stuff, don't worry. Most people show up for the entire week with the shirt on their backs and tickets and just sleep wherever they pass out. It's like a week-long beach party.

One more thing:

GET HERE EARLY. The concerts last 5 days, and the very first day and very last day are used for setting up/tearing down. They usually start on Wednesday, with the first show on Thursday. I would show up Tuesday night and try to find your spot as early as possible, anything in the shade is highly recommended. Even if you have to walk a long way to the concert area, sitting out in 90 degree heat under your tent FUCKING SUCKS. Trust me. Don't worry about finding something to do to kill the time. Tolmin is a beautiful but small and quiet town, and they really do pander to the metalheads during MC. All the bars are open really late, as well as restaurants, stores, etc. The worst thing that could happen by you getting here early is having to drink all night (usually for free) with a bunch of metalheads.

FUCK PMs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Thanks man! I am on my out the door right now so I will respond to this later in greater detail, but real quick I wanted to know how far are you from Trieste btw? If I went we'd totally need to be tent neighbours :kickass:
Thanks man! I am on my out the door right now so I will respond to this later in greater detail, but real quick I wanted to know how far are you from Trieste btw? If I went we'd totally need to be tent neighbours :kickass:

That's the plan, dude! I'm about an hour and a half from Trieste and about an hour and a half from MC. Actually, if I'm not mistaken, the airport isn't really in Trieste; it's outside of Trieste in Ronchi dei Legionari.

That's the plan, dude! I'm about an hour and a half from Trieste and about an hour and a half from MC. Actually, if I'm not mistaken, the airport isn't really in Trieste; it's outside of Trieste in Ronchi dei Legionari.


Ok dude, here's the deal. The tickets for the fest should be around 120 euros, which is about 170 American Dollars, more or less. That's for the ENTIRE festival, one solid week, parking and camping included. I'm sure you'll be here until the very end, as I wouldn't want to fly all the way here (it's a 12 hour flight) for three days then go back home. However, there are 3 day passes as well as single day passes, and I'm sure you know that but I just wanted to make you aware of the fact that you must specifically request the one week from them.

Yeah, obviously I would stay the whole week for sure :lol: My girlfriend and I are planning to go, we want to make sure A) What the trip is like, what can be expected, is it gonna be worth it, etc.. and B) The costs that could be potentially involved so we can save up EXTRA and go. So far, A) is the bigger concern because we will have the money no problem, but we want to make sure it's gonna worth to go and what can be expected so we can start getting out passports in order. I could probably score 2 free week long passes but I will factor in the cost of two week-long tickets just incase.

Don't forget that I think you have to pay a fee for the MC bus from Trieste!
Oh yeah, well I think it was like 20 euros or something? Fuck :lol: Too bad you didn't live closer I could hitch a ride with you. That also reminds me I'll have to get think of getting a cellphone that will work in Europe as well, :lol:

As far as other costs, I would bring plenty of spending money just for cds, t-shirts, other stupid crap that we all love to buy on the spur of the moment at the metal market.

Well, my girlfriend and I don't EVER buy that stuff, we're not impulse buyers, shit we collect doesn't really have monetary value and well, we'd be on a budget anyways even if we wanted to. We don't drink, only things we spend our money on when travelling is for food, subways/buses and tourist stuff like visiting museums/exhibits and shit.

Also, you're gonna want to bring some camping stuff, and therefore you'll want to buy your groceries here. Actually, buy them in Slovenia when you get to MC because the grocery store is about half a mile from the camping area, it's cheap as fuck, and they actually speak English. DON'T BUY ANYTHING IN TRIESTE. Just literally drive 10 miles across the border and get yer stuff. They have more variety in Slovenia anyway...Italians don't know anything that's not from Italy.

Oh yeah I'm well aware of bringing camping stuff, and I have the most epic camping shit here in fact, but I was wondering if I should bring it with me from here, or if buying tit here would be the better options. I want to travel as light as possible. I have a big luggage set though so room is not a problem, it's just carrying all that shit you know. I already intended on buying a bunch of groceries and shit in Slovenia on the way there, I was just worried about the proximity of the nearest store.

Also, you're gonna wanna try some of the local food that's really good; be forewarned, it's quite heavy. There will be plenty to eat at the festival, but it's somewhat expensive. 5 euros for the burgers, although they're quite big, it's nothing like a real American hamburger. They have pizza that's edible and usually really good kebab, although last year it sucked because they changed vendor for some reason. Basically, you won't starve, but you'll spend a shitload of money for an entire week.

Yeah, same here, all festivals the food is like 5 bucks for a burger, 7 for a beer, it's retarded. I would never buy the food their unless it was something exotic that I couldn't resist or I was REALLY not wanting to leave the concert grounds at that moment and I was REALLY hungry. I've been to A LOT of festivals and crazy field/festival parties, I've only been to one metal festival though, but all festivals are the same, except this time I will actually be paying attention to the bands.

Much better to stock up for a week when you get there with camping-type food that won't spoil from the heat, because it gets FUCKING HOT during the summer. It's in a valley between mountains and there's very little wind. Fortunately, there's a river nearby for swimming and lots of shade in the woods surrounding you. Here's a good checklist:

- Camping utensils (pots and pans and stuff)
- Coleman portable stove which you can probably buy in Tolmin
- Tent...make sure it's waterproof because when it rains, it pours
- Bring plenty of blankets too because at night it gets FUCKING COLD and humid
- I'd bring about 50 euros just for groceries and another 100 or so for all the beer and other crap you're gonna want to buy, unless you don't give a shit and you just wanna swim all day and watch the concerts all night...literally all night.
- Toilet paper
- Towels for the and cold showers.

Yeah I saw pic of the scenery and the river, and that's one of the reasons I'd like to go, it really looks awesome :kickass: Thanks for the list, most fo it is common sense but it's always good just to have confirmation from someone who already has gone. I'm a very meticulous planner so I like to have everything in order.

Cold showers are free and hot showers are like 2 euros or something. Also bring some sandals or something for the showers because people tend to fuck in them. Last year this couple pissed everyone off who was waiting in line for the shower because they decided to fuck really loudly in the shower and keep everyone waiting.

:lol: Sick. That's when I'd throw a rock at them or something (Not at them but at the stall), which reminds me, what is the security like there? Too strict? Not strict enough? The way security behaves can really make or break a concert/festival.

That's pretty much it. If you can get most of that stuff you'll be set. Also if you need anything I can help you out as well. Maybe not so much monetarily, as I'm fucking broke, but whatever else you need that I may have I'll be happy to help. Also, pretty much everyone takes care of everyone's a very neighborly atmosphere.

Yeah well I wouldn't need to for money but I'd definitely want to party with you, and just be around you int he same camping area, having a friend and a veteran of the festival around can really help a n00b like me out.

If you don't have all that stuff, don't worry. Most people show up for the entire week with the shirt on their backs and tickets and just sleep wherever they pass out. It's like a week-long beach party.
:lol: I'm not like that at all but I know tonnes of people who do, those are the ones who end up piss drunk in the mud not knowing where the fuck they are.

One more thing:

GET HERE EARLY. The concerts last 5 days, and the very first day and very last day are used for setting up/tearing down. They usually start on Wednesday, with the first show on Thursday. I would show up Tuesday night and try to find your spot as early as possible, anything in the shade is highly recommended. Even if you have to walk a long way to the concert area, sitting out in 90 degree heat under your tent FUCKING SUCKS. Trust me. Don't worry about finding something to do to kill the time. Tolmin is a beautiful but small and quiet town, and they really do pander to the metalheads during MC. All the bars are open really late, as well as restaurants, stores, etc. The worst thing that could happen by you getting here early is having to drink all night (usually for free) with a bunch of metalheads.

FUCK PMs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Yeah I plan to get there early, that's why I'm leaving on the 30th, and I'll arrive in Trieste really early in fact on the 1st. I was planning on making my way there that same day if possible. Heat is something I really hate though :lol: If you are travelling by car I might get you to buy me a cooler and bring it and I will reimburse you when I arrive :lol: I will definitely scope out a shaded area, or if I'm hung up for whatever reason you could cordon one off for me. I'm not worried about having nothing to do though, if I went I'd definitely make the most of it and I know I'd have a blast... plus there's lots of other forumers that are going as well so that'll be cool.

One final thing though: I'm afraid of planes :cry: :lol: I'm not scared of anything except heights (when I'm free standing not like on a rollercoaster) and planes :ill: My plan is just to stay up all night then get on the plane and fall asleep and sleep through the flight.
Sounds like you and I are pretty much the same when it comes to planning and stuff. I like to be prepared. This is a good thing.

The grocery store is literally about a 10 minute walk from your tent. The festival area is actually in the far side of a giant field in the middle of Tolmin and the camping area is towards the road. Everything is extremely easy to get to from MC.

Weird thing here though: NO ONE SELLS ICE. There is no bagged ice like back home, so most people just keep their stuff in a cool, dry place.

It all depends on when we get there and when you get there as far as the tent buddies thing goes, mainly because they tell you where to park and where to set up based on how many people. If you're just two people, they'll put you in X spot. If you are in a bigger group, they'll put you in Y spot so the individuals won't have to deal with the mess that a big group makes. But that's just where you put your tent. Most of my friends and I tend to congregate at one person's tent or place, so even if we're not close to each other, we can still hang out together all the time. I think we're doing the 3-day pass, thing, actually. I've done the 7 days and it actually starts to get miserable after the 4th day or so, just due to the sun and heat. However, we were also an hour and a half from home so it wasn't that big of a deal for us to get there in the first place.

The security is outstanding and not at all violent or overzealous, yet they are strict and maintain good order. The only thing they do is check for weapons and arm bands. If you're drunk and running naked through the market, concert, or grounds, no one cares. The only time they'll stop you from doing what you're doing is if you're seriously bothering someone else physically, shooting up heroin in front of everyone, or brandishing a weapon. You can smoke weed in front of them and they don't care. In fact, the festival says that they only crack down on HARD drugs.

Metal Camp is organized by the very same organizers of Wacken, which is partly why it's so good. There are plenty of toilets cleaned twice daily, and the area is kept relatively clean considering what kind of festival it is. At the beginning of the festival, the car parkers hand each of you two giant trash bags to keep your trash and when you're done at the end, you just tie them up and leave them in your spot. There are three different bars, and they serve all kinds of drinks, even non-alcoholic. There is also food specifically for vegetarians as well. They've really thought everything through with this festival and it runs very smoothly. You don't have to worry about anyone ruining your experience at MC except maybe an act of nature such as rain or thunderstorms.

I've been to many festivals and specifically the ones in Italy suck goat cock, balls, and ass. Everything's too expensive, there is only one entry/exit, there aren't enough toilets, and it's just an overall half-ass festival. Don't ever go to Gods of Metal in Italy. It sucks. The only decent one is Evolution, which was pretty good, but it still pales in comparison to MC.

Imagine the most anal-retentive and hypersensitive organizer trying to organize a festival, and you have MC. They literally try to make EVERYONE happy. Heh, they're German...anything less than perfection is unthinkable to them.

Trust me, you will have a great time, even if the weather is shitty. The very first MC I went to WASN'T organized by these people, as it was the debut festival. They didn't have enough food, the weather was crappy, and it was overall kind of a mess, but even then I still had a great time. The second year they really went all out and organized themselves and since then it has just gotten bigger and bigger and bigger.

There were people from Australia there last year. That's how good this festival is.

It's quite big, but not like Wacken big. It's a big festival but not so big that it becomes annoying. You're not forced to do anything you don't want. Don't like the next few bands? Go down to the beach bar and swim in the ice-cold river and check out the naked chicks sunbathing, or go parasailing, or go tubing down the river, or canoeing, or exploring the local caves which the region is world famous for. Or even just go exploring in the town and visit some of the shops.

We descend upon Tolmin like Vikings every year and you would think that the local populace would get sick of all the crazy metalheads laughing, drinking, and carrying on, but they welcome us every year. Of course we bring them a lot of business, but there's no hostility from the locals. All the local pubs and restaurants always have some "Metalhead Special" on the menu for the Metal Campers or something as such. I meet new people from all over every single year and it's like one big happy family. It's like Woodstock for metalheads.
tl tr

but i saw you said 120euro incl parking, this isnt true unless you want to park on the parkinglot by the supermarket
if you want to park on the festival you have to pay an extra 20euro this year...

but hey fuck it, our tent crashed during the storm last year and slept in the car for a week so im willing to pay :rofl: