dear watermelon.

lizard: look at it! that bird's endangered..

it didn't become endangered by being a clever and/or fierce animal, did it?

I'm sure it's plenty huggable.. I asked him what it'd do if I hugged it and he said it'd try to get away..

...and that's all :)
i have a pen pal named simon who is from new zealand he is one of my favorite people.
also, that fanny pack comment was mean!
kiwifruit tastes OK, but it's really aesthetically great in fruit salads. i made a fruit salad with mangoes, nectarines, black cherries, and apples and then threw in kiwi solely for the pretty green.
i heard that seedless watermelons have less flavor than seeded ones.
is that not so, or is this just a case of a normally watermelon-deprived preppy getting her hands on some somewhat tasty seedless melon d'eau, not realizing the fully seeded flavor awaiting her?

btw, there are trucks on the sides of the road here selling melons and corn now. some things are good in the country.