Death Before Disco - Barricades


Apr 5, 2003
Death Before Disco - Barricades
Lifeforce Records - LFR 062-2 - August 8th, 2006
By Brandon Strader


Don't Panic! With their debut release entitled Party Bullet in 2004, Death Before Disco began their pilgrimage to the depths of "melodic hard rock" that they're in now with Barricades. Usually, when bands claim that their music can't be labeled and they are multi-genre, I scoff mockingly, listen to their mediocre hardcore, and the system was oh-so-predictable... But in this case, it's actually true. Sure, most people will listen and just slap a "screamo" label on this, or whatever, but the musical changes and evolutions - throughout even just the first song - go way beyond screamo.

Not only is their ability to write in each of these different genres impressive, but each part of each song flows smoothly amongst each other as if it's the most natural thing ever. There are even some progressive rock sections, complete with blues solos. Death Before Disco even rip out occasional moments of technicality one would expect from hardcore groups and the like. All of these different genres and changes work splendidly to convey certain moods throughout each song, from the frantic screamo-laced workings of "Barricades of Rumble" to the more progressive rock jam-band style featured within "Jaguar"... and of course, to the little touch of emo that is "Goodbye"...

Only a split and one debut into their careers, Death Before Disco have more than shown their abilities in several facets of musical exploration. Barricades is a very enjoyable album and it is quite fresh, though some folks who enjoy certain aspects of the group's sound may be turned off by others... you'll never know until you check it out, which should be quite easy as it was released today. (gasp!) Keep an eye on Death Before Disco for their future endeavors.


UM's Review Rating Scale

Official Death Before Disco Website
Official Lifeforce Records Website