Death does indeed suck


Wrath of Amemait
Jan 1, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
My friend just announced that his father died an hour ago. This was after a 2 year battle with cancer. I never got a chance to know the man, we just said hi to each other the minimal amount of times we met. I kind of jumped at this announcement, it was so straightforward. It was like "hi" and then he just says it. :cry: Well he doesn't know what the hell to do.

I hate to be captain obvious here, but death does indeed suck.
yeah dude. death sucks. especially if their close to you. i cant imagine loosing a parent or brother. you should do something nice for your friend. its gotta suck like hell for him. last year around now, a couple of kids got in a car accident and two died. i knew one of them and it sucked just to all of a sudden have to understand that hes gone. another part that sucks is you never know for sure if theyre in a better place till you get there.
i just switched schools and this 1 girl was the only person who gave me a picture after picture day and i knew her better than i knew anyone else and i thinked she liked me, and her other friend was nice, they both died in a car crash on some half assed intersection on the freeway without an onramp and they say it is a very safe intersection, well that has me pissed, but yeah, at the wake i must have cried a lot, and i never cried for my grandma or grandpa when they died, but goddamn death does suck
True, I've been in three funerals very lately. Grandfather, grandmother and great uncle. Though they were all very old and sick, so death was more a relief for them.

What struck me more was the suicide of my old mates big brother. I didnt know him well but he drowned himself in a local beach where the kids of the neighborhood go swimming/having fun every summer. Sort of a 'makes you think' thingy... was he thinking about the summers of his childhood when he did it ect..
I've been to two funerals in the past year and a half. Both were for relatives of my ex. She lost her brother (who was 20, and a classmate of mine from high school) and her father (who was 50 and in very poor health due to choices he made throughout his life) within 9 months of each other. I can't even begin to explain the hell she and her sister have been through in the wake of these tragedies. Though we're no longer together for now, I'll never stop supporting her or caring about her, especially but not only because of the turbulent times we've been through in the last while.
aww caged, were you guys close?

well if she wouldnt have died we would be extremely close, and i think she really liked me, like i said she was the only one who gave me her picture on picture day which no one ever did for me so it touched my heart, the next time i saw that picture was on the front page of the newspaper, but i had only known her for 4 or 5 months, but yeah it was two funerals for two friends in two days. but i mean this may sound rediculous, and completely crazy, but here goes... i started gaming with this one game, and he was the best on that game, he was like a god on that game, while i sucked lol, but he even offered to help me... i remember on that game my goal was to be in a clan (a team) with him, and him and a few of my other good friends from that game and we knew eachother for a few years, and since i was such a good friend with all of them despite how bad i was at the game i was in and i mean he was a great guy and tried to help me with my problems, and we would always be talking over the irc with microphones and he would always be coughing a lot. i honestly had some of the best times of my life with them over that irc and on the game. and then on msn he had webcam and i could see he had an oxygen thing hooked up and he even told me that he had lung problems, and then i heard he died, and i swear i cried for an hour at least, and even now im crying over it almost, but god damn death does suck