Death Gore Malignancy


I need a beer...
Apr 12, 2009
Hey guys...while back I posted in the Production Tips section asking for advice on how to approach a death metal mix in the realm of malignancy, putrid pile, devourment..etc. I had a conflict with what i was planning on doing and what the band was asking for

here is the mix...let me know what you think and if you think i did a good job (in context to what the band wanted) if at all

not mastered btw...still just mixing
Sounds real nasty, in an awesome way! I'd put distortion on the side vocals, they sound kind of weak. Is the snare all natural?
Dude, this is perfect for this kind of music. I would NOT put distortion on the high side vocals. They sound disgusting and bad as it should be :) But of course you could ask the band what they think.

Snare is perfect.

Now, just don't master it to loud ;)
the guitars are 5150 I head directly into impulse
pre gain 3
low 7-8
mid 4-5
high 7
post 5
res 8
pres 6-7
catharsis impulses
then some hi and low pass..big cut around 800hz, the put a c4 on the high mids only to tame them down a bit

didnt really do much to the vocals aside from deesing, compressed them to hell, some eq and some reverb in an aux track.

hope i help
(pretty excited, first time i post settings on the forum! =])
Those gravity blasts are amazingly well fitted in the mix, was there a lot of automation on the snare?