Death Growl


New Metal Member
Apr 17, 2009
OK, I have a question for all you DT-loving metalheads.

Is there a way to do a death growl that sounds good without messing up your vocal chords too much?

Preferably one sounding something like Mikael Stanne, but I appreciate that everyone's vocals will sound different. As someone in the process of forming a band, I really want to be able to do good vocals without having to resort to the kind of screaming employed by most metalcore.

Is there a way to do a death growl that sounds good without messing up your vocal chords too much?

I'm not the best person to answer this, but in short: yes, there is. Stanne and a couple of other great vocalists have told me a proper death growl requires a certain technique, unless you're indeed willing to risk your vocal chords. You need someone else to explain how exactly it should be done, but I strongly suggest you try to learn it before you start screaming your lungs out.

I know that you have to use the same basics as clear singing, don't overdo it, avoid using your throat muscles, and push the air out with your diaphragm or else your vocal cords will turn to bloody mush quite rapidly.

Usually, it is strongly recommended that you learn to properly sing before learning the exquisite art of growling like a madman. That's as much as I can tell you about it.

p.s If you end up spitting blood during a session, it's not because you're intense, it's because you're not doing it right.
Stanne did a growling seminar not too long ago in Gothenburg so maybe he has some notes he could e-mail you.

As for contact, you could try contacting him via PM here (I think ZodiJackyl was Mikael, but I am sure if I remember wrong someone here will correct me), but he is not the most active here, I do not know whether he is reading the posts. If everything else fails you could PM Niklas who is the most active here.
Stanne did a growling seminar not too long ago in Gothenburg so maybe he has some notes he could e-mail you.

As for contact, you could try contacting him via PM here (I think ZodiJackyl was Mikael, but I am sure if I remember wrong someone here will correct me), but he is not the most active here, I do not know whether he is reading the posts. If everything else fails you could PM Niklas who is the most active here.

Yeah that's Mikael, but the only person who actually visits the forum is Niklas (Caotico). Martin B. used to, but then someone insulted him with the fish allergies stuff… so no more Martin B. for us :( .

You can still try to contact Mikael through here, but I don't think there's much of a chance. You have a better shot if you e-mail him IMO.

And if you get the notes of the growling seminar do share them with us please :) .
I agree that your best option probably is emailing Mikael.

You might also want to check out these links: 1, 2.
Growling isn't that hard really.

Short guide:
Say "hmm" in a dark tone with your mouth shut and press lots of air, 'til it distorts. Open the mouth and practice.
No, that may give you a growl, but not a very healthy one.
Exactly. I don't want to mess up my throat ... my ears I don't mind, but if I'm a vocalist I want to carry on being one.

Siren: thanks for the links, they look useful. I imagine it's a lot harder for Angela Gossow (or any woman tbh - not being sexist, but higher ranges do make a difference, hence why I am in awe of Arch Enemy's vocals) to do a good growl than me, but that does look as though it'll help. :)
You're welcome. I'm not sure how hard it is for Gossow, she might have a deep voice to start with. It's not a matter of sexism, high ranges do have a harder time with growling (and in this case growling might damage the higher end of the range). Most women do have a higher range, which is why i could probably only growl if my life depended on it, and even then everyone would probably just laugh.

In my humble opinion you should start minding about your ears too, a musician needs to be able to hear.
Well, I took a stab at doing Mikael Stanne vocals.
The way I do it is I slightly growl and make my voice a little high pitched. Let me know your opinions.

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I'm sure it's possible for you to growl well, but it would probably cause an amount of damage to your throat permanently, so it's probably not a good idea in any case :)

talking of women doing metal vocals, have you heard of Benedictum? They don't scream, but how much the [female] vocalist sounds like Dio is slightly disturbing ...

Of course - what i meant was a ringing ears kind of damage, not serious or lasting deafness. i don't want to really damage myself in any way, but if it means compromising my enjoyment of concerts i'd rather just minimise the damage. :)

Thanks again,

Wow, that does sound like Dio.

And the ringing ears kind of damage is exactly what leads to serious and lasting deafness, frequency by frequency, so be careful with that. If you are doing a lot of music you should get some high-quality individualized earplugs. Good ones won't change the sound, but will protect your ears.