Death grunts


Keepin' it bonzer
Dec 29, 2005
ok, i know this has been discussed a zillion times, but i just couldnt find the threads where this has been discussed.
anyways, i just wanna know how you make your voice like that. Well, i can make my voice like that, but it hurts my throat, and i keep trying to do it in a way that it doesnt hurt my throar as bad but i cant find the way.
so could someone tell me how to "sing" like that?
How old are you are is a factor, if you are 13 good luck,
It takes lots of pratice to get it as raw sounding as to the point it sounds good, also when that tickal comes to your throat try increaing the pitch slightly for a second and it will go.
use your stomach/gut to do it. not your throat, or you'll fuck it up.

edit: i found this

but there is a much better one of angela gossow getting lessons from her teacher, which i cannot find right now.
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Youtube... search up "Zen of Screaming"... that should have some tips for you.

This is ONE of the clips from the DVD, there's more on youtube if you search around:

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:lol: She sucks at doing it, I don't know how she got to be a teacher.

Find the one of her on that Conan O Brien show, it's fucking hilarious.

Conan can do it better than she can!
nah, I don't think it's neccesary to drink or smoke, you just have to build up the muscles to be able to do it right like any other type of singing.

It is fucking hard to explain how to do it the "correct way" so I advise looking at what people have said and then just trying it yourself. If it hurts real bad, then you probably are doing something wrong so adjust for that.

Also it does feel uncomfortable at first for anyone I think but there is a difference between discomfort and pain and if it's just slightly uncomfortable keep going but don't push it too hard. Then wait a day or so and try again, repeat this every day and soon your voice will strengthen and become accustom to growliing.

Hope this made sense :D
thanks people that, your reply's were very helpful
now all i have to do is practice :)
thanks again

How old are you are is a factor, if you are 13 good luck,
It takes lots of pratice to get it as raw sounding as to the point it sounds good, also when that tickal comes to your throat try increaing the pitch slightly for a second and it will go.

lol, im 16...

oh and it doest like hurt my throat so much, is mnore of a discomfort, but there is a little pain i guess...
breathe. And also,start from the stomach up,as previously mentioned.

I remember promising Warheart my George Fisher impresion. I'll find the recorder and start,I guess,heh.