Death In June

Current 93 and Sol Invictus are great, although I wouldn't call them gothic. But they are indeed melodic and very atmospheric. Unfortunately their album are very expensive here so I only have some songs I have downloaded. I guess Death In June belong more or less in the same scene and I 've heard many people saying that they are also a great band.
Originally posted by ham
i saw a Death in June cd in 78s today... at first i thought it could be a live Death record, but i was upset quite quickly and put it down even quicker.

:lol: Well, Death In June is an older band than Death, I'm pretty sure... I did think about that though, hehe.

Originally posted by Kveldssanger
Current 93 and Sol Invictus are great, although I wouldn't call them gothic. But they are indeed melodic and very atmospheric. Unfortunately their album are very expensive here so I only have some songs I have downloaded. I guess Death In June belong more or less in the same scene and I 've heard many people saying that they are also a great band.

I've heard nothing by Sol Invictus although I want to. :o

Originally posted by IcemanJ256
KAZAA? How dare you.


I haven't checked for Death In June at the UM hub, but they didn't have any Sol Invictus...
Originally posted by IcemanJ256
I just thought you uninstalled kazaa and all the spyware a long time ago and wouldnt use it again.

I did....but I use kazaa lite now. :)

Originally posted by Mister Nobody
Death in June is fantastic.

Check out Current 93, Sol Invictus, Ostara and Boyd Rice/NON also.

Okay, I'll check out those too... I've heard a short song by Current 93 called "All the Pretty Little Horses" which was cool (it was short... maybe a sample?). They have some weird titles and stuff though, and I can't find much info on them either, heh.
Originally posted by TheLedTool
Okay, I'll check out those too... I've heard a short song by Current 93 called "All the Pretty Little Horses" which was cool (it was short... maybe a sample?). They have some weird titles and stuff though, and I can't find much info on them either, heh.

Check their songs Lucifer Over London and A Gothic Love Song...
Originally posted by Thunderbolt of Ba'al
The style is usually referred to as "folk noire."

I'm surprised to see folks on this board embracing artists who are strongly connected with National Socialism and other white nationalist ideologies.

I don't have a clue about these bands, honestly. That's the weird thing about them... Current 93 has a song called "Hitler as Kalki" and I am unaware of the reference. Are these bands really Nazi affiliated? Heh.