Royal Carnage weekly group list

So this shit doesn't work for me. The player wouldn't start whatever I do and the site keeps telling me I haven't joined the RC Group although I did. This thing is blatantly trying to bitch with me, so I quit :wave:
It does not auto-join you have to join by yourself once on the site although you were told you joined (or did you already do that ? :loco: )

This thing is not very accurate (or I don't understand how it works) : I listened twice to the last Yob album , and once to Celestial yet Isis has "11" and Yob "8" ; not mentionning track-length can be misleading , fucking figures :loco:
I meant 1 track played = 1 play which is counted . Be it a Napalm Death track or a Monolite track.
Actually only tracks that go for longer then 30 seconds get counted, so that blows away half of Napalm Death's discography.
Dev said:
It does not auto-join you have to join by yourself once on the site although you were told you joined (or did you already do that ? :loco: )

Don't call me st00pid

I reinstalled the plug-in and checked out the RC radio this morning. Pretty interesting mix, I got everything from Death in June to Sepultura to Jethro Tull to Neurosis. Kinda cool to hear Kyuss come right after Falkenbach followed by a little of Ulver's "Themes..."
I'm surprised you guys haven't been swamped by The Allman Brothers, .38 Special and Blue Oyster Cult yet. Or randomly had some Bob Marley pop up in there. Or maybe I'm the only one cool enough to listen to that stuff so it's irrelevant.:loco: