Death metal poster boys.

I tried to find the link to the karoeke but I only tried by going thru Frenchthrax's name. but couldn't search for his threads dammit.

You guys are cracking me up!
:p :grin: :Spin: :loco: :worship:
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!That is brilliant!!

Well Alias I'm of to get my low fat Tofu (lol) and cough elixir!

Ok, we've got the look and the sound. Need a set list now. Dumbest/funniest song titles in the metal genre?

My punt:
Band: Bal Sagoth
Cd: Starfire Burning upon the Ice - Veiled Throne of Ultima Thule.
Song: 8. And lo, when the Imperium marches Gul - Kothoth, then Dark sorceries shall enshroud the citadel of the Obsidian crown.
Tip: Editor needed above roadies! :rock:
Oh crap - I stand corrected. Sorry - thread should have been titled black metal poster boys.
Yeah obvious differances between the two, but both a source of amusement!
Love that Growlin, Reminds me of some of my Favorite Six Feet Under songs! Ok, What is the difference between Black Metal and Death Metal, Like is Cradle Of Filth Black Metal... And 6 Feet Under Death, "You're Dead to Me, you're dead to me..." :) It's all just funny, Oh so Evil!! :flame: