death metal snare samples?

colonel kurtz

Sep 7, 2006
i've amassed a pretty decent sized library of samples from here and there, and after rummaging through them all earlier, i realized i'm lacking a good pingy/piccolo sounding snare, a la shit like decapitated, cryptopsy, etc.

anyone know where i can find some samples along those lines?
i've amassed a pretty decent sized library of samples from here and there, and after rummaging through them all earlier, i realized i'm lacking a good pingy/piccolo sounding snare, a la shit like decapitated, cryptopsy, etc.

anyone know where i can find some samples along those lines?

Going through the same thing at the moment, i have a decent one i will upload tonight for you. I will include the overhead samples as well. Im looking for a Suicide Silence type snare, Love that whole drum sound.
Google "Matt Smith St. Anger tribute" for metal chair mic'ing to get that 1337 snare sound. :)

If you like the piccolo snare crack sound (like "None so Vile" Cryptopsy), Slate has a good one for that. Actually, I think it's the Deftones snare.

If you like the piccolo snare crack sound (like "None so Vile" Cryptopsy), Slate has a good one for that. Actually, I think it's the Deftones snare.


i have the slate elite mixer samples...the set before the signature series, and there's nothing really "pingy" in there. crack, thud, thump...pretty much everything but the typical ringy piccolo sound

i'm guessing it's probably because it's the sort of snare sound that people usually shy away from - but it just sounds so awesome during blastbeats and shit