death metal written, performed and recorded by me, real drums, mix feedback PLEASE!

The snares+ toms seems to be having too much room! And the overheads seems to be somehow compressed? I really dont know what you did there.
The bass is really boomy and taking a lot of space
Guitars sound hollow
The mix sound kind of scooped in my monitors

But i really like the song ;)
Would you be so kind of sharing the files for others to mix? i would love to mix this :kickass:
And the overheads seems to be somehow compressed? I really dont know what you did there.
I have some parallel compression going on, perhaps I need to send less of the OHs? Plus, the rooms are squished to shit, and I had to high pass them because of the kick being editing separate from the hands (sloppy playing), so the rooms are basically only picking up cymbals and a little tom and share attack. I'll give that some more attention and see where I can go with it.
Thanks for your input. :)
The bass is really boomy and taking a lot of space
Guitars sound hollow
The mix sound kind of scooped in my monitors

But i really like the song ;)
Would you be so kind of sharing the files for others to mix? i would love to mix this :kickass:
Thanks for the input.
I was actually really happy with how this mix translated onto headphones.
I did cut a little bit of the high mids cause they were sounding harsh as fuck. Less than ideal mixing space I suppose. As far as the bass, maybe I'm just still being a retarded bass player who wants to crank the bass a ton :/ glad you like the song.
I'll remix to something decent and then post some stems. :kickass:
Like taking up too much space in the mix? Or too much room sound/reverb?
My bad about the previous comment. I heard through my laptop speakers so sorry about that! :) The snare sounds okay but it should come out more in the mix. I think they are colliding with the guitars or OHs in the mix a bit! And the basses are a bit messed up!