Death Metal


May 14, 2003
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I can understand and enjoy less heavy bands like Bloodbath and Death.... but most brutal stuff just goes right over my head. The same goes for the heaviest grindcore (pig destroyer).

Help me out here. Did you like brutal death metal from the start? Post your experiences here.
I started off with Cannibal Corpse and Fear Factory...Now I'm a big fan of such bands as Nile and Malevolent Creation...

I think it's great music, and it's remained as my favourite genre in metal for many years now...
Eirik said:
Metal that's too grim and tr00 to do anything but chugga chugga heaviness just annoys me... variety is what I love...

Same for me...I just don't like bands where the growls are so low or so high that it just sounds like a bunch of noise, and the drummer/guitarists play as fast as they can throughout the whole song, I just can't get into that type of death/black metal.
loudsilence said:
Same for me...I just don't like bands where the growls are so low or so high that it just sounds like a bunch of noise, and the drummer/guitarists play as fast as they can throughout the whole song, I just can't get into that type of death/black metal.

you're fucking loss...
I can't fucking stand Cannibal Corpse. But, I do love extremely brutal music. Rich, pulsing, Grindcore and Death Metal. You have to love it.
I used to be obsessed with it, untill I saw how monotonous, and un imaginative it is..."Hey guys I have new super fast drummer guy! yesh hes like the fastest in the world! Awesome! Now lets just play along to him mindlessly fast with no dynamics, or no type of melodic (not in the gay gothenburg sence) exploration!!"

I swear thats how most of these bands are formed.

I respect it, and still listen to maybe 3 or 4 bands out of that whole genre. The guitar players IMO suck and all sound the same...All Dave Culross, Terrance Hobbs rip offs. I really am stilll amazed by some of these new drummers comming up, John Longstreth, Flo Mounier, etc etc But as the drummer evolve into superhuman machines, the music becomes dull, boring, and lacks the grace old school death metal once had.
i like the gothenburg sound, and some tech death, but most death metal is so fucking cheesy, it's on par with power metal.

most death metal bands need to get a life.

and grindcore bands can just suck my dick.
now, seriously... melodic death metal sucks, and so does all the new death metal.. all these bands don't have that same power and vibe the old school bands had...

what's interesting now are all the bands that combine all sorts of music and not focusing on staying in one genre...bands like Aborym, Aphel Duath, Dodheimsgard, Enslaved and so on. Too bad there aren't many of those jewels.
FuckinShit said:
now, seriously... melodic death metal sucks, and so does all the new death metal.. all these bands don't have that same power and vibe the old school bands had...

what's interesting now are all the bands that combine all sorts of music and not focusing on staying in one genre...bands like Aborym, Aphel Duath, Dodheimsgard, Enslaved and so on. Too bad there aren't many of those jewels.
Pretty much...
FuckinShit said:
now, seriously... melodic death metal sucks, and so does all the new death metal.. all these bands don't have that same power and vibe the old school bands had...

Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but Melodic Death has a lot more to offer me, than Old School Death does. Old School Death pretty much bores me to tears.
I'm probably a total "n00b" taste wise (in all senses, actually, I started with Morbid Angel about...ummm...two years back?)
but I appreciate various styles, including some of the "BLAHGHHGFHGFGHFGHFHFGFD" stuff.
I also appreciate plenty of Gothenburg stuff.
I like some of the new Mayhem (though I wouldn't argue that it is, in essence, not really MAYHEM)
blah blah blah

I started with Morbid Angel. I tried for a while first actually, I liked the music but hated the vocals (was mostly listening to Blessed). After about trying it three times over, it clicked. I didn't move much beyond them for a fair amount of time, ordered Blessed from Earache, got it, came with stickers for Decapitated and December Wolves.
I downloaded Spheres of Madness from Earache and I liked it a lot but wasn't too concerned with expanding. I also tried out bands I read about in interviews with Trey, like Angel Corpse and Vader. Angel Corpse did nothing for me, but I really dug Vader (started with Xeper, and Litany remains my favorite album).
Somewhere along the way, I downloaded both of Decapitated's albums, never listened to them much, downloaded all of Morbid Angel's Earache catalog (this is all from Emusic, so tis legal, tho I don't think that's a concern of many...) and blah blah blah.
I have always hated Cannibal Corpse though, we do laugh at their song titles and lyrics though.

Anyway, from then I had a guy I knew who was into death and the like from some forums I go to. I said, hey, hook me up.
He suggested Pungent Stench and early Carcass (he hates Heartwork and Swan Song). I still didn't dig the gore thing.

Somewhere along the way, in my bizarre fascination with scaring and/or pissing people off whilst driving, I decided Decapitated was the heaviest, loudest most "horrifying" band I had currently, so I burned their two albums to CD and played them in my van leavin' high school all the time. Somewhere along the way I went... holy shit, these solos are cool as crap, and kinda melodic. Then I started to notice the rhythm and (sort of) melody of the rhythmic guitar parts.
I started listening to it ALSO because I liked it.

I still didn't branch out TOO much though.
Then, ah, college. There I met Mr. Opethian Soul man who told me to download Emperor and Slaughter of the Soul and yadda yadda on and on (including, naturally, Opeth).
Blah blah blah, a year later I've been informing him about some bands, and so on, and blah.
I still love Decapitated and plenty of "br00tal" and "Technical" bands.

Check out Decapitated tho, seriously, I think anyone here *might* really be appreciative. Spheres of Madness is great fun, and is over at earache's website.