Death song


Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
Heres the scenario. You are about to die, either executed, at gunpoint, etc. Anyways while you die you are allowed to choose one song. Mine would probably be Black Sabbaths "Black Sabbath" or Candlemasses "At the Gallows End". Why? Because they both fit the mood. And At the Gallows Ends lyrics even fit the scenario!
I don't care if this thread is shit or not.

Edge of Sanity :Crimson because it's amazing and 40 minutes.
You want slow death?

I replaced the world 'while' with before.

anyways... FUCK THIS THREAD.

I'm not picking a song now because someone is going to shot me in the head at gunpoint.
igneous lips by 1000 funerals cuz it's the most sad and depressing songs ever.

or maybe pull the plug by death

or i could have fist fucking god's planet by marduk to solidify my placement in hell
You know it would be kickass to die to the Super Mario Bros theme song.

I just had to say this in case this thread is locked.
I don't know, but I do know that when I'm fighting the final boss of my story, the song I want to hear is Slaughtergarden Suite by Sigh.
i thought this was going to be a thread about peoples favourite death song, for the record, zombie rituaaaal, errr i reckon it'd have to be something pretty epic, opeth maybe, winds, racer x? actually screw epic, i'll go for sunn, prolong my death by an hour.