Most Beautiful Black Metal Song.....

Bathory - A Fine Day to Die (love the beginning with the horses and such then Quorthon reciting like a poem before he goes full blast ahead... also loved Emperor's cover of this song that is a bonus on In the Nightside Eclipse album)

Emperor - The Majesty of the Nightsky
Dimmu Borgir- "Mourning Palace"
Old Man's Child - The Soul Reciever"
Naglfar- "Horned Crowned Majesty"
Samael- "Worship Him"
Rotting Christ - "Thy Wings Thy Horn Thy Sin"
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Bathory - A Fine Day to Die (love the beginning with the horses and such then Quorthon reciting like a poem before he goes full blast ahead... also loved Emperor's cover of this song that is a bonus on In the Nightside Eclipse album)

Emperor - The Majesty of the Nightsky

same here