Death - The sound of perseverance

Damn, DoReMi. I wish there was a clap similey for you right now. You said it best.

I personally gave a brilliant defense of TSOP, if I may say so myself.
Aren't the Aryan race majority in Northern India now. And they're definitely not being "supreme" or not...

Also, the swastika is a symbol in India as a Buddhist or Hindu symbol for peace...I think...Oh well, Nazis are dumbasses.
I always thought Chuck was a genius but now i find out that this band Atheist were doing that kind of thing in 1991! I still love the Death material obviously but always thought he was the origin of such music, obviously i was wrong....
DoReMi said:
There are a lot of smart people on this board. Why waste your time with this frustrated fucking cum-shot of a person? With every reply of his I've read, he tries to make his insults sound as cutting as possible by attempting to sound excessively bright or intelligent. Instead, he just comes across as a sad fucking wanker who would get the shit kicked out of him if ever he started shooting off such a mouth in front of real people. Don't get me wrong, he seems like a smart guy, but he clearly has little to no friends if this is how he spends his time.

Let's just let bygones be bygones, admit to ourselves that Demiurge is a prick, and that we all love The Sound of Perseverence.

And what kind of cunt talks like that anyway (Gervaise, 2003)? I've noticed you've been using more often than most, Demiurge, because some of the words you use just don't glu together...

Trademark reasoning of Nazis and Goths; those whom express their intellectual views by deeming themselves superior with the use of an extensive vocab.

Fuck off and stop wasting the time of people who understandably wish to protect the merits of an incredible band.

I think Snow Like Ash said it best:

Please remove the hook from your lip, child.

you need more english, my boy, for my words "glue together" just fine, though they follow no rhyme scheme(nor should they, this isn't poetry).
Everything contained in this thread is basically pure bullshit.

Everything that these guys are using to attack Death is utter crap. I like Coroner. I'm not someone who is unfamiliar with their work but is still extremely proud of themselves for 'defending' an album(more bullshit).

Every band borrows from one another. In Metal, tons of 80's Thrash bands sounded far more similar than these bands we're comparing here. Chuck Schuldiner drew influence from many different bands. He had no problem talking about these influences in interviews. He never CLAIMED to have been the incredible innovator that everyone made him out to be. He simply said that he enjoyed the melodies of bands like Maiden and Helloween, the more heavy thrash sound of Slayer and Metallica, and the technical abilities of bands like Watchtower and Rush.

As far as these bands that were around when Death was around, believe me, Chuck didn't give a shit what they were doing. From day one it was his plan to become a better guitarist, get a better production and just basically become more musical in general. He basically didn't give a fuck what Atheist, Coroner or fucking Van Halen were doing at the time. He was too busy trying to improve.

So yeah...Human sounds like the Cynic demos. Well considering none of the members of the Spritual Healing album returned, Steve Digiorgio's bass is buried in the mix, and there's 2 Cynic members and Chuck, what's it supposed to sound like?

By 1991, Paul and Sean were done with the ordinary "Death Metal" sound. They wanted to explore other sounds. They played more intensely on Human because they knew that's what Chuck wanted. So let's not say Chuck ripped off the Cynic demos cause that's bull. Chuck always wanted to play at a more technical level but it's hard to do so when you got guys like Bill Andrews and Terry Butler around you.

Noodling and ear candy. This is total bullshit. What's on the other side of noodling and ear candy? Shitty guitar playing and music that hurts my ears? Fuck that. I wanna hear shit that makes me wanna pick up my guitar. I don't want the typical monotonous shit. If that's not your thing, fine. But then don't go and claim to be fans of other bands that are proficient guitarists that also use this "noodling" technique.

As great as Piece of Time, Unquestionable Presence, Mental Vortex and No More Color are...they can't touch Individual Thought Patterns, Symbolic, or The Sound of Perseverance.
I'm pretty sure I've answered a lot of these points at


BeyondtheUnholyGrave said:
So yeah...Human sounds like the Cynic demos. Well considering none of the members of the Spritual Healing album returned, Steve Digiorgio's bass is buried in the mix, and there's 2 Cynic members and Chuck, what's it supposed to sound like?
Um, the Cynic demos? You're right!'ve basically just backed up my point that Human may as well not exist because it's very similar to something that's already been done! Cheers.

Noodling and ear candy. This is total bullshit. What's on the other side of noodling and ear candy? Shitty guitar playing and music that hurts my ears? Fuck that. I wanna hear shit that makes me wanna pick up my guitar. I don't want the typical monotonous shit. If that's not your thing, fine. But then don't go and claim to be fans of other bands that are proficient guitarists that also use this "noodling" technique.
Ohh, you're one of those homo traditional metallers by whom metal is listened to only for technical proficiency, as opposed to the songwriting. No wonder your tastes suck.
I'll concede that there are songwriting problems on TSOP. It's why it is neither the gretest metal album nor my favorite Death album. I like Symbolic a lot better.

I maintain that the hatred for the album is unfounded.

3% on Metal Archives? I sure do feel bad for the waste of shit and semen that wrote that review.

Edit: ; )
Damn shame I missed this thread. I really enjoyed reading PE, Demiurge's, Nick2001, and Sculpteds comments. this is one of the best discussions on structure vs technical skill Ive ever seen on UM. I loved how people resorted to attacking Nazism to distract from the fact they had no intelligent rebuttal to Demiurge and Planetary.
That did get rather tiring. The equivalent of "you're a doodoo head" or other such truly worthless attempts at discrediting one's opponent in a failing debate. I, personally, don't see debates as any place to even bring in the concept of insults or derogation. They simply make your valid points seem that much less intelligent.

I never understood how being a Nazi affects your intelligence or ability to judge music. IMO, it just indicates that you have skewed views on human nature and politics.

I must say I did find this thread to be an excellent source of information and a wonderful bit of mental exercise. I still love the album, though. This thread gave me a lot of reasons to. :)
speed said:
Damn shame I missed this thread. I really enjoyed reading PE, Demiurge's, Nick2001, and Sculpteds comments. this is one of the best discussions on structure vs technical skill Ive ever seen on UM. I loved how people resorted to attacking Nazism to distract from the fact they had no intelligent rebuttal to Demiurge and Planetary.
Wha? I don't remember debating in here! I might have left some opinions, but no arguments of a caliber to face-up to anony, Demiurge or PE. I agree though, this was a very stimulating debate to follow, even if the tone did get condescending at times. : )
Guardian of Darkness said:
Ohh, you're one of those homo traditional metallers by whom metal is listened to only for technical proficiency, as opposed to the songwriting. No wonder your tastes suck.
I'm as traditional as it gets. It's amazing how you are able to say that my taste sucks. As if your judgement is supreme. I'm guessing you're about 15 years old. I'll let you go listen to your shitty graveland and all that other incoherent noise that you call music.
BeyondtheUnholyGrave said:
I'm as traditional as it gets. It's amazing how you are able to say that my taste sucks. As if your judgement is supreme. I'm guessing you're about 15 years old. I'll let you go listen to your shitty graveland and all that other incoherent noise that you call music.

Graveland is a very melodic band, so calling them "noise" doesn't make sense.
Sorry sculpted, I just naturally included you, as this was an intelligent thread.

Im enjoying later graveland as well (since I had only heard in the glare of burning churches until a few days ago), quite good actually.
I like Graveland. They are the SHYT! nuff said

You know who's underrated? InFlames101. Damn, that person had some scintillating comments...