Death - The sound of perseverance

Wrong again shithead. I said that the reason why Paul uttered the term Cosmic Sea during Focus is because he wanted to show the influence that Chuck and Death had on Cynic as a band.
So the best you can come up with is that Paul Masvidal used a common phrase that also happened to appear on an album that he was a major contributor to, and that's supposed to be proof that Death is the primary influence on Cynic? Never mind that Focus isn't even remotely like ANY of Death's material. Logic isn't your strong suit, is it, jr.?
Now i'm sure in your opinon, Reflections of a Dying World and the other Cynic demos are far superior to anything Death has ever done. Fine. Then why the fuck bother coming here and spreading your misery? Pointing out flaws or simply stating you don't like something is one thing. Being a complete low life scumbag on UM is something completely different. The reason albums like Human and Individual Thought Patterns were made was to combat your kind.
Holy shit, kid! I disagree with your assessment of a fucking BAND and you act like I've raped your little sister. Grow up, and stop hitching your personal sense of self-worth to the degree to which others validate your musical taste.
You've failed to make sense. Serialists compose as I described above. Nobody said that all non-diatonic music was serialism.

I'm not frustrated, I just have no respect for you. Thus, I've opted to antagonize you since I've ruled out an intelligent conversation.

What humor do you speak of? Subtle humor dies over the internet. Also, the brain cell thing was a particularly obtuse insult.

Stop with the ad hominens already. What does me being a Nazi have to do with anything? Furthermore, you have been wasting my time. You've gone off on tangents and you've managed to ignore everything I've said.

Cynic released material similar in a great many ways to later Death as early as 1988, when Death recorded "Leprosy". Apparently you're saying that "Human" was a primary influence on "Focus"; if you weren't deaf you'd realize that these albums sound nothing alike. Note that "Human" does sound a lot like the Cynic demos of the late 80s though. Case closed.
Planetary Eulogy said:
Lyrics and music are inseparable. They're part and parcel of the artform. Lyrics inform music and music informs lyrical content. What you're arguing is akin to saying that a painter's use of colour and light is relevant to interpretation, but his choice of subject and personal beliefs are not. You're drawing distinctions that don't exist.

Most metal lyrics, to me, are obscure and irrelevant. A painter's choice of subject is far more important than the lyrics of a band. Music and lyrics may go hand in hand, but I still see the latter as secondary.

As for Classical Music, there are no lyrics or interviews, so you'd have to actually research the music's 'ideological merits' to grasp them (unless you were listening to a Nationalist composer, I guess). I fail to see how this would enhance your appreciation of the composer's music.
Most metal lyrics, to me, are obscure and irrelevant. A painter's choice of subject is far more important than the lyrics of a band. Music and lyrics may go hand in hand, but I still see the latter as secondary.
There are no "secondary" elements in artwork. All elements are part of a coherent whole, and can only understood separately in relation to how they function collectively. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot.
As for Classical Music, there are no lyrics or interviews, so you'd have to actually research the music's 'ideological merits' to grasp them (unless you were listening to a Nationalist composer, I guess). I fail to see how this would enhance your appreciation of the composer's music.
1. The great majority of "classical" works are vocal, and do, in fact, have lyrics. Further, most major classical composers were extensively profiled by the biographers of their time, or (as in the case of a Beethoven or a Wagner), left an enormous body of personal writings behind, so we do, in effect, have both the lyrics and "interviews" necessary to grasp the underlying ideological bent of most composers.

2. Again, you're ignoring that classical music is encoded with a thousand years worth of culturally understood signifiers of meaning. Anyone with a functioning brain and a basic knowledge of these signifiers can properly interpret classical music.
If you know as little as the date of the composition, you can deduce its period. Already you're moving the right direction. One doesn't even need the date. It's not hard to distinquish between a baroque and classical composer for example.

If you don't know jackshit about the history and development of classical music, you'll find it difficult to assign an ideology to the music. One doesn't need to be a genius to figure that out.
I can distinguish between Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern Classical music; I suppose I havn't studied music enough to know the 'thousand years worth of culturally understood signifiers of meaning'.
Demiurge said:
Stop with the ad hominens already. What does me being a Nazi have to do with anything? Furthermore, you have been wasting my time. You've gone off on tangents and you've managed to ignore everything I've said.

Cynic released material similar in a great many ways to later Death as early as 1988, when Death recorded "Leprosy". Apparently you're saying that "Human" was a primary influence on "Focus"; if you weren't deaf you'd realize that these albums sound nothing alike. Note that "Human" does sound a lot like the Cynic demos of the late 80s though. Case closed.
Your being a Nazi has nothing to do with anything we've discussed so far. I hope nothing I've said has proven the contrary.

I have made it point to take into account everything you've said. But what you say is irrelevant. Cynic's late 80's work has nearly nothing to do with TSOP. And if you'll notice, TSOP has many elements of Leprosy in it. There is a great deal of similarity between Human and Focus. It is subtle, but I wasn't even expecting it to be as similar. When I first heard Focus, I only knew it was supposed to be a jazz-death fusion. I immediately recognized the drumming style of Reinert, and equated Focus to be by the band containing Death members off human. I was right. This is one of the few key elements the albums share.

TSOP takes as much from Watchtower and early Death albums as it does from the Cynic demos. And it is quite clearly its own beast in itself. Any similarity between the albums is the same sort of similarity between the Black Album and Countdown To Extinction. A slight resemblance in aesthetic and style due to artists working together a long time ago.
Hey Planetary Eulogy, is there any reason why you made 3 different posts to answer my one post? Seems like you could have done that in one post. You seem to do that quite frequently actually. Up to 188 I see. Good girl. Keep on truckin.

As far as the Cosmic Sea quote, Paul said that was an ode to Chuck and Death for all of the help they gave to himself and Sean Reinert before Focus was released. He also mentioned how much he and Sean learned from Chuck about music, the music business and touring while they were in Death. That was from an interview in The Metal Gospel back in '93.
BeyondtheUnholyGrave said:
Hey Planetary Eulogy, is there any reason why you made 3 different posts to answer my one post? Seems like you could have done that in one post. You seem to do that quite frequently actually. Up to 188 I see. Good girl. Keep on truckin.

:lol: Sorry man, that was just lame.
Planetary Eulogy said:
There are no "secondary" elements in artwork. All elements are part of a coherent whole, and can only understood separately in relation to how they function collectively. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot.

Right: lyrics are less important to me than music.
BeyondtheUnholyGrave said:
Hey Planetary Eulogy, is there any reason why you made 3 different posts to answer my one post? Seems like you could have done that in one post. You seem to do that quite frequently actually. Up to 188 I see. Good girl. Keep on truckin.
Shut up, Jewboy.

As far as the Cosmic Sea quote, Paul said that was an ode to Chuck and Death for all of the help they gave to himself and Sean Reinert before Focus was released. He also mentioned how much he and Sean learned from Chuck about music, the music business and touring while they were in Death. That was from an interview in The Metal Gospel back in '93.
Wait a minute, so now a thank you for help gaining notoriety and understanding the intricacies of the music BUSINESS is the equivalent of "giving Paul Masvidal many of the ideas that were created on Focus."

Face it, you're just another ignorant Jewboy. Get gassed.
Planetary Eulogy said:
Shut up, Jewboy.

Face it, you're just another ignorant Jewboy. Get gassed.
Haha. Jewboy. If by jewboy you mean somebody with better nordic roots than yourself who was raised Lutheran, than fine. If you guys are nazis I wonder if you all have blonde hair and blue eyes as I do. Or if your blood is even pure at all. Fucking parasites. I also hope your not under the impression that Chuck was jewish. For some reason a lot of people think that's true. He's actually of German/Catholic descent. 14/88 Fuckers.
BeyondtheUnholyGrave said:
If you guys are nazis I wonder if you all have blonde hair and blue eyes as I do. Or if your blood is even pure at all.

Actually, I seem to recall him saying he's of Arab descent.

(By the way: by replying to him you're only going to get more frustrated. Also, you may not be a Jew, but the pic in your sig is too big. :p)
This thread's gone in a completely different direction than it started. I'm glad there was so much discussion about the origins of TSOP, and a lot of valid points and topics were discussed.

I learned some things, and I hope to God that someone here deflated their head enough to learn something as well.

I'm not liking the direction that the thread seems to be going now.
Someone here doesn't have a very good idea of exactly what National Socialism is.

"Focus" is a jazz fusion album with harsh vocals, "Human" is reasonably technical, rhythmic death metal. The songwriting is extremely similar to pre-Focus Cynic.

TSOP is like a populist and confused Coroner. That's exactly what it is with lead guitar emphasis a la the prevailing Swedes of the time tossed in.
To argue that TSOP doesn't sound like Cynic of the 80s is totally absurd though. Those demos were ripped off on "Human", and face it, TSOP is "Human" spliced with rock & roll with extra noodling on the side.