Death vocals

don't forget Unorthodox(EoS). It's a masterpiece. IMO has better death vocals than Purgatory Afterglow. And the small amount of clean singing that it does have is THE best I have heard. EVER. No exaggeration here. If you want to check out some of Swano's various vocal talents, get Unorthodox.
I'd suggest you to start with EoS as they were taking out the cds to check how he changed,then check Moontower and if you are really up for it and leave the death vocals behind go straight to Nightingale(my favorite Dan project)
I think there is no Album u should miss. My first Album of EoS was Purgatory Afterglow. My second Album The spectral Sorrows.
They're all great masterpieces of hystoric deathmetal made by Swanö and Co :)
Various Growls u'll find at the most oldschoolish Unorthodox, Spectral Sorrows and Purgatory Afterglow.
Btw. there is Infestdead too. Deathmetal by Swanö ( all effects, Guitars and so on ) and Drette ( Vocals ).
[Know I must think at this theme which we had @ CDN *lol*: A Moontower liveconcert with only 1 man: Swanö itself in front of 30000 people with all Drumkids, Keyboards, Guitars..... ]

THERE IS NO REASON: U must get immediatly all Death-metal-projects of Swanö ;)
argh...written shit: [Know I must think at ...

[Now I must think at this theme which we had @ CDN *lol*: A Moontower liveconcert with only 1 man: Swanö itself in front of 30000 people with all Drumkids, Keyboards, Guitars..... ]

Forgive me. My english is bad.
Shame on me...
Can't help but to dream of another EoS album.. Listening to Infernal at the moment, I cant beleave you folks are not recomending this album. Its so god damn kick as as it can be. Damned by the Damned just rocks ass.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: