Death's Design


Under The Dark Moon
May 1, 2001
Back in the Hellhole called Texas.
Alright, I keep running into these strange things by coincidence that remind me of Diabolical Masquerade, and it's pieces of music from the orchestrations used in "Death's Design". This isn't anything groundbreaking, probably, but fans of Diabolical Maquerade may find this pretty cool.

First off, I was watching "Conan The Barbarian" and suddenly some music started playing and I started to kinda hum along to it thinking "how the hell do I know this?" when suddenly I realised why.

Conan The Barbarian Intro (listen at around 2:07 into the video, and have to click on the link for it to work):

Then listen to this Amazon song sample (windows media version available too):

Also, some time last year I was watching some "unsolved mysteries" type of show on YouTube when, in one of the uploaded parts had some music that I briefly had to wonder "how the hell do I know this?":

Alaskan Triangle (start listening to the music at around 2:50):

Now listen to (I recommend all of it, great track):

Again, nothing groundbreaking, but cool for me to stumble across these, being a fan of Diabolical Masquerade. :rock:
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