Originally posted by Wax Poetic
Cons (I am not as good at this as Satori, but then I dont have the whole renegade alter boy thing going for me)
heheh, very witty
Ok, I'll go:
Con: It provokes fear, guilt, and suffering that gets more intense as the person gets closer to death.
Con: It teaches people how to negate their own logic in favour of what they are told by the church (which is as inherently corrupt as any other political institution). This leaves them kinda blank and easily exploited by their rulers, which is kinda sick. It's so easy to forget that religion spawned from a need for gov't and gov'ts in those days existed to collect taxes and dominate their fellow humans in a dictatorship fashion (which is why religion is personfied into a dictatorship style hierarchy, it's all those relatively stupid humans had and understood back then. Domocracy wasn't very popular back then, there were sheep and there were sheppards and brutal hand of god which justified their atrocities and exploitation against their fellow humans).
Con: It's really a huge pack of lies. I have a friend who learned first hand from a nun congregation that the higher ups in the church (namely the catholic church including the popes and bishops) know and understand that christianity is a myth perputrated by the wise to keep the masses in line. They really mean well (that's the assertion anyway, but I'm sure not all the rulers have the good of humanity at heart), which is probably the thing which makes this lying not quite so inherently evil, but I think lying to people, no matter what the justification, is simply wrong.
Con: It robs people of the personal freedom to simply be who they are by telling them who and what they should be before they've even had a chance to become fully self-actualized at around 7 or 8 years old. I feel that this is a violation of personal liberties at the most fundamental level (which, surprise surprise, I can explain if required).
2000 years ago the world was a very very fucked up place and people were much more freakish and deluded than the people that live today. They were pretty much savages. Just like the people that came before them, they created all sorts of myths to justify their politics and to brainwash people into fighting for their supremacy and to pay taxes. That was just the way things were, and in some parts of the world they still are (sadly). These people had some intelligence but they lacked much of the insight and experience that we enjoy today. We have learned from their mistakes. I only hope that our children learn from our mistakes as well and build societies based on personal freedom and compassion instead of fear and selfish desires.
I think people should be more concerned with their fellow humans than they are with themselves (guilt, salvation). I think society would be better and people would be happier and we wouldn't have as much need to mistreat/exploit each other, which is more the norm than the exception in this modern world.