Deceased v. Acid Witch


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Maiden v. Priest
Metallica v. Megadeth
Slayer v. Death Angel
Neurosis v. ISIS
Mom v. Mum

All pedestrian bullshit. So, I want to talk about some REAL SHIT instead. The masters Deceased v. the inheritors Acid Witch.

There's no question that Deceased deserve all the praise they deserve, and because I fucking hate the word deserve I'm going to put it three times in one sentence. Acid Witch carry that proud torch of overly long lyrics, ridiculously cheesy cheese, with everything dripping in shitty horror flicks, but still there is something honest about what they do. Just like with Deceased. Can you have a blast and still be deadly serious? Why yes, yes you can. Both of these bands prove it.

I mean just check out their best album covers, you don't even need to know anything beyond what these show you, because each one tells you the entire story with just one glance:

Fuck yeah, Poe rocks.

Fuck yeah, eye of newt.

On a personal level, whereas Acid Witch reveals my dreams and desires with Witchtanic Hellucinations, my ever-present waking nightmare/existence is actually the glory that is Supernatural Addiction:

Fuck yeah, GTFOoRC.

Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I can count on two things to cheer me up. A) Listening to I Hate Halloween by Acid Witch, and 2) doing an image search for King Fowley. Also bonus unrelated third thing ***) cranking the isolated vocal tracks to Running with the Devil.




I mean between those two bands (and I guess old Van Halen as well), I just wanna rock and/or roll all night, and drink cheap beer every day. And I haven't been able to stomach cheap beer since I was in high school, because once I turned 21 I could purchase the good shit. But still, point remains.

Thank you, horror metal. I fucking love the torn entrails out of you.
Deceased rules and Supernatural Addiction is my favorite of theirs, by far. I don't think I have ever listened to Acid Witch though. Is the time nigh to remedy my transgression?

Edit: Ha! Did you dig the RC shirt out of the pits of your drawer to sport for the photo-op? I wish I still had the original RC shirt. I wore it out at the gym 'til it was a ragged excuse of a garment.

Edit 2: I hope nobody was tear-gassed prior to that photo.
Evil Sound Screamers and Witchtanic Hellucinations are both stellar, and then the second album Stoned fucking sucks! Avoid that one.

I just happened to have the RC shirt on at the time, haha. I was like "it's a sign!" and took the photo. Hadn't worn it in years! My original one is a cleaning rag I think, it started to fall apart but I couldn't throw it away. The internet is no fun anymore. Only RC is real.

These days I keep hearing that Teargas song by Katatonia in my head, but I still haven't busted out that album in many years. Not sure why, it suddenly became my least favoUrite from them. Maybe time for a revisit! Next year.
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I fucking love Acid Witch.

I'd say Deceased is the better band overall but fuck me Acid Witch really gets me going. I bought a vinyl of one of their albums and it came with a halloween decoration that I hang up every year.


Nad, if you haven't already, check out their ep Midnight Movies.
I'd say Deceased is the better band overall but fuck me Acid Witch really gets me going.
This is 666% how I feel as well, yep. I have not checked out Midnight Movies but a copy has been in my Discogs shopping cart for at least 6 months now.

I revisited Stoned the other day and actually it's pretty good. It's almost like if Darkthrone's Hate Them was a Hallowe'en album. I have no idea what that means, but it smells right.

Whoa, the OGRC shirt rose up out of the mire, and remains wearable! Also fun fact about 2020: my gray hair has doubled this year.

LOL @ anxiety
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