Decent guitar for under $500?


Oct 24, 2007
haven't bought a new guitar in awhile.. wondering if anybody has a suggestion(s) for anything decent under $500. hard rock/blues..
not a big trem guy and i'll probably slap an old bill lawerence i have sitting around in the back. so a double, couple single coils would be great. this is just for playing out local, blues jam at the local bar/pub etc... ;)
Craigslist/eBay - you should be able to find all kinds of great guitars at that price point.

I got a LTD MH-350NT for $350. EMG 81/85, stop tail, 25.5" neck through. Plays and sounds great.

Also Gibson Les Paul studio for $400

Just pay attention and watch for a bit.

In addition, Epiphone/Squier have come a looooong way in just the past few years. Those Epiphone Prophecy models feel great and TO ME feel on par with the ltd/schecter stuff. The Squier CV series is also in this same qaulity range to me...
Got my LTD M-1000 for $500 used. It was a "#2" model which had a blemish but the shop it was in couldn't even find the blemish. EMG 81/81.

Love it.
Parker PDF60

for blues/hard rock, i would also say to find one of the LTD EC models, probably with the JB/59 pickup set rather than EMG's. while all the other guitars mentioned here are great, i dunno if they can cover the blues territory as well.