Decent Low/Mid-priced Cymbals?


Nonchalant Onlooker
May 5, 2001
Help me, oh fellow crash splinterers! :)

I've been planning to upgrade from my current cymbals for a good five months now, but I'm having trouble finding ones I'd feel good about. Also, since I have a lot of stuff on my wishlist, money is an issue here.

Which manufacturer/brands should I avoid at all costs? I hear Paiste 802's are somewhat decent (hey, my hi-hat & ride are Paiste 302s, so anything I buy is a huge improvement), but do they last? I don't consider myself a heavy hitter. What about Paiste Alpha series? Any experiences of Meinl cymbals? Other recommendations?

Of course I could buy one heavy crash like Zildjian Z Custom, but I hate the sound of heavy cymbals - I want the crashes to swoosh and chime like hell. (or is this just my lack of experience speaking? Do the heavier hi-hats and cymbals sound brighter when they blend in with the rest of the band?) The same goes with hi-hats - most of them sound too much like "cha" or "choo" instead of the "hiss" (or "shh shh") I'm looking for. ;)
Well, beggars can't be choosers so I can't afford anything that nice....I live off Birthday money:lol:.....All i can afford are Zildjian's and not the expensive on good cymbals, i am of no help....but on pedals...;)
I've been playing drums/percussion for 23 years and from my experiences over the years, cymbal choice for me is all based on preference of sound. What I would do is pick a couple of brand names that you like and go to a music shop where they will let you smack the cymbals around. Only by hearing them will you get and idea if you will like it or not. No two cymbals sound a like. So even if you find a cymbal you like in a store and order it from some where else because of price difference, it will sound a little different from what you remember. Also bring your cymbals, that you have already with you and ask if you can see how they will sound with the new cymbal(s) that you're thinking of buying. If you're serious about your playing you want your cymbal sound to match. ;)

My preference is Sabian cymbals. I'm not too familiar with the Paiste Alpha series but I believe those are the higher priced line. Some Zildjian's are good but not all, from my experience they don't last as well as Sabians.

Good luck in finding what you want!