Defenders Of The Faith UK Tour feat Opeth + Arch Enemy

I think there are 2 other bands playing which are yet to be confirmed. Hope they're good...
I'm not 100% sure but I've heard the other 2 bands are DevilDriver and 3 Inches of Blood.

Fanastic that Opeth are touring the UK. I missed them last time, I hope to go see them 2 days in a row :), Manchester and then Brixton. Not happy about DevilDriver playing though, awful band imo.
I'll hopefully do Glasgow and then Mancester the next day because it's on a Friday!

I saw Devildriver a couple times at Download 2006, i seem to remember them being good. The crowd was crazy anyway. Not familiar with 3IOB but if that is the lineup, it could be far worse.
If that's indeed the lineup, meeeeeh. They'll all be quite fun to watch at least (though I hear Arch Enemy aren't that good live...).
I'm not impressed.....Devildriver and 3IOB are piss poor. And Arch Enemy are pretty mediocre. Tbh, I'm generally considering not going if those are the other bands. I'd rather just wait till Opeth do a proper UK tour.
Excellent news, I will be there. May do all 4 UK shows this time...

I cannot believe the number of complaints about any band that shares a tour with Opeth. I don't think many of the complainants would be happy with any lineup.

I saw Arch Enemy with Opeth years ago, it was a great gig.
I'd rather just wait till Opeth do a proper UK tour.

Yeah it would be loads better. As it stands it's Opeth and three shit bands, who may or may not be amusing for a song or two. I think arriving very late or not at all would be a fine plan.
That's said every time they go on tour, fyi. :rolleyes:

I think the support bands have reached a new low this time. However I think I might still go and just turn up late or go buy some merchandise when Devildriver and 3IOB are playing......Opeth will make it all worthwhile.
WOO! They're coming to glasgow?! That place is just down the road from me!

Haven't seen Opeth since Download 06!!
Is there maybe someone out here who can give me some more details about this package. I'm a little afraid for the co-headlining thing.

I'm living in Holland and I'm planning to go to the gig in Glasgow but it would be very dissapointing for me when not Opeth but Arch Enemy is the headliner of the evening. Is there maybe something to tell about the time they will play? I don't know if I want to travel to Glasgow for just 1 hour Opeth.

I've tried the venue but they don't know the details and I also tried Metal Hammer but no reply so far.
yeah, don't think it's worth travelling to the UK for if you don't like any of the other bands ... they'll play the rest of Europe anyway on a headlining tour and do several festivals (including in the Netherlands and surrounding countries).
Over here in USA, Devildriver toured with Opeth twice. Most people just went outside, except for the poser kiddies, with their big brothers old school death metal they're really fans of Mortician, Obituary, Kreator, etc... I've seen Opeth with Arch Enemy twice as well. Being a huge Carcass fan, back in the day, is what naturally got me into Arch Enemy from the start. The DD singer wasn't fooling anyone with his sudden knowledge of Thrash and Death metal. Especially being that he was the coal chamber singer. And, his yelling at the few that sat there rolling their eyes at him, didn't help his cause.
Over here in USA, Devildriver toured with Opeth twice. Most people just went outside, except for the poser kiddies, with their big brothers old school death metal they're really fans of Mortician, Obituary, Kreator, etc... I've seen Opeth with Arch Enemy twice as well. Being a huge Carcass fan, back in the day, is what naturally got me into Arch Enemy from the start. The DD singer wasn't fooling anyone with his sudden knowledge of Thrash and Death metal. Especially being that he was the coal chamber singer. And, his yelling at the few that sat there rolling their eyes at him, didn't help his cause.

not that I'm a devildriver fan or something, but shouldn't it be a good thing that guys from nu metal bands start to realize that they should start playing some real metal? ...
everyone kept saying to those nu metal bands that they should radically change their style, and one of them did it and now he still gets bashed for it ...

oh well :p
gigs from bands like devildriver are fun no brainers occasionally, so you can still enjoy it for once if you are there anyway. who is the real poser if you can not enjoy yourself for your IMAGE ...
Are Opeth playing last?

Arch Enemy aren't bad, i used to like them more than i do now, but i still think they're good.

Never heard much DevilDriver.. from what i did hear, i wasn't too thrilled by the music... and as for 3IOB.. pretty crap i'd say