Definatly worth its own thread!

Psheh, at least he provides some entertainment to the forum. What was the last time we had such a fun troll to play around with? :rolleyes:
Are you sure that Brutal Hate is a troll? Didn't Thomas (bodomite) say that he was in a pic with him and that he was real or so... dunno, I might remember wrong. :confused:
┼Victim of the Night┼;8615273 said:
Are you sure that Brutal Hate is a troll? Didn't Thomas (bodomite) say that he was in a pic with him and that he was real or so... dunno, I might remember wrong. :confused:

hey oldfags remember when i tried to troll with my old account "the emptier" and then some fake account i made? i made some dumbass thread about how metal is gay and then i was supposed to say on the emptier how it was my friend and he was an idiot butttt ididnt know you couldnt be on two accounts at the same time and i ended up posting comments on the wrong account and everyone found out and i got perm banned :lol:
hey oldfags remember when i tried to troll with my old account "the emptier" and then some fake account i made? i made some dumbass thread about how metal is gay and then i was supposed to say on the emptier how it was my friend and he was an idiot butttt ididnt know you couldnt be on two accounts at the same time and i ended up posting comments on the wrong account and everyone found out and i got perm banned :lol:

I remember your first account :lol: You tried trolling the forum with a fake account pretending to be 'some kid from your school' but stayed logged into it while thinking you were in your main one and posted as two people. DERP :lol:

hey oldfags remember when i tried to troll with my old account "the emptier" and then some fake account i made? i made some dumbass thread about how metal is gay and then i was supposed to say on the emptier how it was my friend and he was an idiot butttt ididnt know you couldnt be on two accounts at the same time and i ended up posting comments on the wrong account and everyone found out and i got perm banned :lol:

You CAN be on two accounts at a time, with a little technical aptitude and inventiveness =)
Why not? I prefer bands that do their stuff 100% instead of selling out and shit.

Most of good BM wouldn't work with mainstream production. I mean, BM needs that "bad" quality to get that feeling.

You don't seem to get it. One more time: BM needs that "bad" quality to get that feeling. It has nothing to do with good studios or whatever. One band I know records in the forest, just to get the feeling, NOT because of money. You can't get that feeling in the studio with preset sounds.

No need to. Frostbitten is about BM and physical thing.

You don't seem to get it. One more time: BM needs that "bad" quality to get that feeling. It has nothing to do with good studios or whatever. One band I know records in the forest, just to get the feeling, NOT because of money. You can't get that feeling in the studio with preset sounds.

The fact is, that it's not posing, it' black metal. Metalcore is posing, that's where people act as they were metal.

12 year old WTF? They are all grown-up. It's not hippy thing. It's just satanic BM with true feeling. No one expects you to understand it.

Well it may seem for you. But I know you don't understand BM and you listen it just because you wanna act cool. You try to be metal, but in the end you just end up being pathetic poser :lol: You don't even have nordic blood :lol:

You got problem with that?

They are starting to sell out. I should have known.

I don't understand your question.

BM is lifestyle and ideology. It's not just something what you do like hour a day. It's 24/7.

There is a difference in tr00 and true. Tr00 is something what internet kids have found out and joking about something what they aren't capable of understand. Being true means that you stand 100% behind your words, ideology and music style (in this case BM).

Its more of a lesson to people who are still falling.
Although I'm starting to think the people instigating the troll, are the troll.