Define "Having a life".


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
I've wondered this. Does "having a life" mean you go out all the time with friends.. or does "having a life" mean doing what you enjoy???

Reason i bring this up is that most days, when i'm not working, i'm at home playing guitar, working in/on my home studio and working with GUitar Pro writing music. As a result, i'm at the computer most of my free time.
I love my guitars, i take my playing very seriously and dedicate a lot of time to it. As a result, i don't go out much, which doesn't bother me as i don't really like many people in my village and would rather spend the time working on my playing which will help me a lot more in the long run. I have a load of friends at work and in the city that i hang about with and so on but again, i prefer sitting with the guitar.

I travel a lot, regularly visiting friends in Norway, sweden etc and spend a large portion fo my pay cheque doing so.

I'm learning swedish which is another reason i'm here a lot of the time. With sites, cartoons (PINGU) and so on to aid learning. My friends up there are helping me a lot with this.

I'm happy with my life, i'm happy with what i accomplish and i'm happy with my social life where it is. My question is, why does the "Having a life" phrase only get thrown around regarding going out all the time?
What constitutes "having a life" is subjective. People often say someone has "no life" purely because said person does not hold the same values that they do.

Most folks who say it are the constantly partying, always out people and if you reduce why they think it is "having a life" then they party because it makes them happy. Ergo, aslong as your doing what makes you happy then you indeed "have a life"

You are a sad bastard though :lol:
I think this is a valid question... To me as long as you are doing what you enjoy, I see that as "having a life"... I do not go out every night and party all the time, I am busy with work and school, and I do get to hang out with my friends on the weekends, but we aren't clubbers, haha, we just hang out. I do what I enjoy, not all people like to go out every night and party, actually even if I had the time I wouldn't. I like my hobbies that happen to be music, gaming, school, art, and watching anime. However, going out every night is not my thing... but I do consider what I do as "having a life." However, to some, a life is defined by how much you go out and how many friends you have.
Final_Product said:
You are a sad bastard though :lol:


Well, due to this, i can now read a 2nd language to a decent standard. Fully competant guitar tech. Competant studio tech and am a very able guitar player.

In what way is it different from sitting in a class at university all day :)
-Gavin- said:

Well, due to this, i can now read a 2nd language to a decent standard. Fully competant guitar tech. Competant studio tech and am a very able guitar player.

In what way is it different from sitting in a class at university all day :)

Hey...i do the teaching now! Pwnage!:p
Final_Product said:
Hey...i do the teaching now! Pwnage!:p

That wasn't aimed at you.

Hahaha, and experiencing crazy things? You should see the shit that happens when i'm out of the country. Lol.
do you guys thing that gamers "have a life"? i am sure that most of you have played games before, and know how they suck the life out of you. so do gamers "live" or do they pretty much sit in a vegetative state for hours upon days at a time?
Not having a life is sitting round depressed all day cause you have nothing to do yet can't be FUCKED to get up and do something...
yea depressed, lazy, anti-social people who don't have any friends do not have a life... so we can all say that we "have a life" now. so maybe some goth people have no life... oh wait they can always go to the hot topic store and hang out...
"Having a life" by all purposes is living the life you want to live. Im currently at Uni (forced here by my parents I might add) and enjoy going out quite a bit and meeting up with people too. But I think everyone needs time to themselfs. I still make sure I get an hour a day on guitar done and supprisingly my playing has improved quite a bit while being here even tho im probably not playing as much. Which Im glad about because I was very concerned my musical life would suffer from coming here.

I think it is importent to live for experience though. I personally would worry a bit if someone was staying inside their room days upon days, and not experiencing different aspects of life.

My life sure ain't what I want at the moment though. My band has taken a hard hit from me having to move here, and though we are still going and got a demo planned for recording in December I would much rather be with the guys that at Uni doing academics I have no interest in.
Day_Before_Dawn said:
"Having a life" by all purposes is living the life you want to live. Im currently at Uni (forced here by my parents I might add) and enjoy going out quite a bit and meeting up with people too. But I think everyone needs time to themselfs. I still make sure I get an hour a day on guitar done and supprisingly my playing has improved quite a bit while being here even tho im probably not playing as much. Which Im glad about because I was very concerned my musical life would suffer from coming here.

I think it is importent to live for experience though. I personally would worry a bit if someone was staying inside their room days upon days, and not experiencing different aspects of life.

My life sure ain't what I want at the moment though. My band has taken a hard hit from me having to move here, and though we are still going and got a demo planned for recording in December I would much rather be with the guys that at Uni doing academics I have no interest in.

Funny you say that.

You know me bro, i have NO problem meeting people. I have many good friends and i travel a lot (have done since i was a kid), having been to countless countries and seen countless different cultures (explaining why i am justified in being pissed off at so many :lol:).

I am going by the basis that if i get the ground work done on my passions now. I can live to a much fuller extent later on :)