Define "Having a life".

Interesting thread you got going here, gav. well, as said before, i think "having a life" is totally subjective. for me travelling around, widening your horizon (can you say so in englisch? mine sucks a donkey's ass...), meeting new people, getting to know new cultures and just everything that's related with travelling, is VERY important. as well as studying. not (necessarily) at a university, but just doing something (no matter if reading, playing an instrument or whatsoever) to not stop at some point but to upgrade all the time....
well, everybody has a life so it's totally wrong to say sb. has no life, the question is of course what kind of life do I /you have?! and IMO it is pretty goddamn hard to have a really pleasant life nowadays.
I like this thread :) Think we all just gotta do what makes us happy. It's a cliche but life is too damn short to piss it away doing things we don't want to.

Your life is your own, and what you conceive to be "life" is up to you. Spending time in front of the PC worried that you don't have a life is retarded because that "archetypal" notion of "life" being endless parties and non-stop fronting is so fake and pretentious. Life is what you make of it.
gavin, how do you pay all your travels ?

i sometimes tend to think i have no life, cos i really do not like to live in germany and no matter how hard i try, i cannot change my point of view...i just don't feel comfortable/at home here. most people here just bore me to death, plus i live in a real shithole suburb. i have only very few friends in my direct environment; some very good friends abroad thou, but i see them only very seldomly, as i don't have too much money/time/cheap opportunities to travel. but then again, if i do and we have a partytime, i have a veery good time with them, and they make my life worth living; i experience way more with them than with my "normal" (non-metal..) friends around here and than probably any bugger who doesn't get out of his town except once a year for holidays. it's just that no one except the racing team mates can share my attitude...i'm a bit weird person i guess, too weird for smalltown germany...hehe..i mean there are lots of goths and metal people here, too, but most of them are just fuckin posers, stupid, antisocial or whatever. maybe i just have too high standards? but i wanna fuck off outta germany anyway...actually that's the reason why i study.
Having a life to me is to know exctly where you're heading to. To have a purpose and a goal set in life . To have a clear understading of what your future is going to depend on.

But, then again that shouldn't be taken so literally and you should all party like animals.
Having a life = being stable mentally, physically and also being able to find free time and beauty in things you enjoy EX: Playing guitar, travelling, partying, hanging, out with friends etc....So yes, you have a life.
heres another question? is it ok to not have a life from time to time? you know somedays life just aint fun your future seems bleek and not going according to plan and you dont feel like talking to anybody or do anything? should you like get off your ass and go do something or is it ok to sit it out?
Having a life, to me, is that you're living your life just the way you want to.

I have a wonderful life, a loving husband and the cutest daughter in the world, our own home and a nice job. I don't have that many friends, only a couple, but for me it's quality, not quantity that matters.
I have had a few extremely bad experiences lately, like the death of my dear sister, but in a way that has made my life a bit better... Don't get me wrong, I really miss her and would give anything to get her back, but at least now I know how suddenly things change and how important it is to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you.
Janina said:
Having a life, to me, is that you're living your life just the way you want to.

I have a wonderful life, a loving husband and the cutest daughter in the world, our own home and a nice job. I don't have that many friends, only a couple, but for me it's quality, not quantity that matters.
I have had a few extremely bad experiences lately, like the death of my dear sister, but in a way that has made my life a bit better... Don't get me wrong, I really miss her and would give anything to get her back, but at least now I know how suddenly things change and how important it is to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you.

I'm sorry to hear that,:(
perfecterror said:
do you guys thing that gamers "have a life"? i am sure that most of you have played games before, and know how they suck the life out of you. so do gamers "live" or do they pretty much sit in a vegetative state for hours upon days at a time?
well yeah you have a life, but it gets sad when people run home from school to check out the ''guild wars'' site, to check on updates and read what every single spell does etc.. (I know a dude who did that)

but sure, if your happy then dont give a flying fuck jauaju!1
i think that "you have no life" was coined by some ignorant, cocky bastard who thought that if someone has a passion that they are extremely dedicated to and spend a huge amount of time on it means that they cannot possibly have any other interests. It then became something that was used as a pointless insult, like "you faggot", and escalated from there.

i have lots of friends at school, but only feel the need to hang out with them around once or twice a month. im spending the majority of my time playing guitar, on here, and trying feebly to learn swedish (see my posts in the Official Swedish Thread :lol:).

janina: i remember hearing about that in the how are you today thread. thats just terrible, and i really feel for you:erk: