Define "Having a life".

Profanity said:
I believe that written dialogue is a far more effective way of communicating than spoken dialogue.

I dont agree :P tone of voice and body language plays a huge part in communication. hopefully you can become a believer.
Dikkie said:
Well, in a way they're quit asocial to come outside and discuss their filosophy in the local pub with mates.

On the other hand, on the board where i'm registered on, we ofthen have forum meetings, going out, ice-skating, going to the movies, concerts, festivals, ...
And that's a good way to meet new interesting people irl who you probably wouldn't have met otherwise.

Meeting people on the net is awesome. I've met tons of good friends on various sites, even my girlfriend :)
Good way to get to know each other, and if it's a match, just hook up in real life too, and have a blast :D
TheSeldomlaid said:
Meeting people on the net is awesome. I've met tons of good friends on various sites, even my girlfriend :)
Good way to get to know each other, and if it's a match, just hook up in real life too, and have a blast :D

I can testify to this 200x ever..
-Gavin- said:
I can testify to this 200x ever..

Hmmmmm, sounds like this could be the another good thread! I'd like to hear yours and Seldom's testimonies! On a related note, I just PMed a few people on this board to see if they'd like to meet up at the two CoB shows coming up this weekend.... I wonder if we'll really meet?
I've met most of the good people at this board, fuckin' partied with each of them and it's been a blast. Not to mention non-UMmers...
-Gavin- said:
I've met most of the good people at this board, fuckin' partied with each of them and it's been a blast. Not to mention non-UMmers...


I have a life too. I study all the time except when Im playing old SNESgames or diablo.

Yeah, exciting!
The Bringer said:
Doing something productive. Playing video games is not productive.

bla bla bla that was the worst thing I've heard all day bla bla bla
DeathPact said:
Are you asking me if you have a life?
lets see do you know what it means when i say, Im stoked? or that guitar is the shit, or bush is a faggot or get a life, then yes you have one.

but if you thought it meant
im stoked : what are you bleeding? what happend
or that guitar is the shit : why is it shit?
or bush is a faggot : no he is the president of the usa.
or get a life : I have a life ? wtf ?

Then you need to get out more comprende!?

huh? :hypno: don't really know what you mean, no comprendo nada :p ..anyways i was just having some self-pity, but ye i know i do have a life, so fuck it ;)
DeathPact said:
Are you asking me if you have a life?
lets see do you know what it means when i say, Im stoked? or that guitar is the shit, or bush is a faggot or get a life, then yes you have one.

but if you thought it meant
im stoked : what are you bleeding? what happend
or that guitar is the shit : why is it shit?
or bush is a faggot : no he is the president of the usa.
or get a life : I have a life ? wtf ?

Then you need to get out more comprende!?

Is there a gibberish translator in the house? I can't make head nor nail of that uber-babble you flung onto the screen during your latest spasmodic seizure. Your ineffective imitation of good posting style only serves to illuminate your lack of substance, good taste, and decency.

I suppose I should have some sympathy for your handicap. You are obviously paralyzed from the neck up. You're just another Internet-addicted idiot suffering from diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the mind. Oh well, at least you only charge what your free advice is worth. As Abba Eban so aptly said: "His ignorance is encyclopedic."

You are about as entertaining as a child's inflatable punching toy. You bop it, it springs back, you bop it again and you forget it ever existed. It slowly deflates in an unused corner, then one day you throw it away. I'd get more pleasure from running my nostrils down a cactus, than reading another contribution from you. Maybe you wouldn't read like such a pathetic loser if you weren't living proof that stupid people should not breed; if your weren't so fat that all the restaurants in town have signs that say: "Maximum Occupancy: 80 Patrons OR You.", or if your face wasn't the strongest form of natural contraception available. Who am I kidding? You would.

In conclusion, thank you. We were all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view. Now get the hell out of here!
"having a life" was invented by muppets who go out drinking every night, and drink so much they cant remember anything and so it doesn't get boring for them

i'd like to get out more often, but going to the same places over and over again is so boring, that and the fact my "friends" dont really invite me out, I'd also like to move somewhere else cos i live in a small town full of wankers, one day i wanna move to somewhere decent, round here too many people dont give a shit

I once had no life, but no one gave a shit to help me, i got myself out there and now I'm on the road that is my development through life