define "katatonic"

Feb 7, 2006
i just got an idea looking at the pictures people took that reminds them of katatonia. what does katatonia mean to everyone. what do you think of when you hear the music and even hear the name or look at the album art. i always feel brutally honest when i hear the music and filled with a kinda peace that i'm not the only one whose feeling depressed and sad most of the time. it's nice when you have an album, but even better a band, that pretty much defines how you feel all the time. like havin a new friend.
Discouraged+One said:
katatonia for me is, the place where i can release all of my feelings, means a ride to a place of my own, i feel katatonia so personal.
Same here... for me the music does not really has to do with sadness or depression... rather something melancholic and calm. I always listen to Katatonia when I'm on a train for hours and hours... looking out of the window towards the setting sun and then later watching the passing streetlights and the glowing cities... I'm between two places, between going away from something and reaching something... far away from the annoying daily life and any problems or bad thoughts. I somehow stop thinking and start living... ...

...well, guess that's Katatonia to me ... ^^
BloodySwan said:
Same here... for me the music does not really has to do with sadness or depression... rather something melancholic and calm. I always listen to Katatonia when I'm on a train for hours and hours... looking out of the window towards the setting sun and then later watching the passing streetlights and the glowing cities... I'm between two places, between going away from something and reaching something... far away from the annoying daily life and any problems or bad thoughts. I somehow stop thinking and start living... ...

...well, guess that's Katatonia to me ... ^^

Same for's almost morphine like....i just sit there emotionless in a trance! yay!
BloodySwan said:
I always listen to Katatonia when I'm on a train for hours and hours... looking out of the window towards the setting sun and then later watching the passing streetlights and the glowing cities...

damn that's wonderful! i listen to katatonia everyday but i always listen to them in special moments. ok... i mean... what i feel is a special moment is just something normal to other people. like waiting for someone in the cold evening or waiting alone for a train in the night...

when i was in london last september i listened to "tonight's decision" while standing in the rain on a bridge for hours watching the streetlights reflecting on the water of the thamse... people passed me and sometimes i looked in their faces and saw their expressions... so many persons filled with life... and of course i knew none of 'em... soon i felt so isolated... i felt like the quiet beholder of life... i saw pain and sadness next to empathy and happiness... i watched them and did nothing else... listening to songs like "i am nothing" or "a darkness coming"... i don't know if there's a word to express the feelings you have in such a moment, but i call it "katatonic"!
I agree with all the replies below. If I was asked to describe it with one word that would be Special. I remember the day I bought black sessions, so many songs to hear, so many Great songs to hear. I was sitting alone in my room, the night was cold, I put the headphones in my ears and that was it. ''Katatonic'' moments as weathered characterise them. Depressing moments that through them I escape from reality. Depression that hides hapiness somehow in it, that's how katatonia makes me feel whenever I hear each of their song.Doesn't have to do with the thread: Do you like the porcupine tree banner that I made? It took me almost two hours believe it or not. I collected some photos, put effects on them, resize them etc. I wanted to put some more photos but I couldn't compine them :(, it's only 4 layers, the band's pic, the hill, that I tried to connect it with the other hill in the left pic (I hope it doesn't look like 2 parts) and finally that kid on ''Lazarus'' single. The fourth layer is that ''tone-deaf'' that's written in the corner.
yeah it looks damn cool! great job! you could even ask porcupine tree if they want to use it ;)
That's almost 10 years since I first listen to Katatonia.
There is one thought that has always prevailed when listening to them:
"I'm not the only one to feel this way".
Their music has evolved in the same way my life has done. From nihilism and hate of everything (Brave Murder Day) to isolation (Discouraged Ones), and then the will to find something brighter, finding hope in life ( from Tonight's Decision to the last one...), I've always found what I was looking for in their music. Katatonia is a band about feelings as far as I'm concerned.
I've never been a fan of live gigs. I enjoy listening to music at home.
That's probably the case with a number of you. The Katatonia audience is in majority a quiet audience, with people listening to the music, feeling it rather than headbanging, slamming and yelling.
I sometimes wonder about how Katatonia perceive their fans, about what they want to share with them.
Weathered said:
yeah it looks damn cool! great job! you could even ask porcupine tree if they want to use it ;)
Thanks for your good comments :). I just hope I had photoshop, I use another software not so good, but ok, it's not bad either. Anyway, back to the topic. I think that Katatonia are great live (from what I watch in the dvd that's in the black sessions compilation) especially the vocals. BUT I agree that listening to Katatonia in headphones is better. The sound is more atmospheric, emotional as there are no sounds around you to disturb you and of course because it's a studio recording :D. I think that there isn't a band that sounds better live than in the album, but the live show, the performance sometimes make you think that it's better seing them live.
the-lull said:
That's almost 10 years since I first listen to Katatonia.
There is one thought that has always prevailed when listening to them:
"I'm not the only one to feel this way".
Their music has evolved in the same way my life has done. From nihilism and hate of everything (Brave Murder Day) to isolation (Discouraged Ones), and then the will to find something brighter, finding hope in life ( from Tonight's Decision to the last one...), I've always found what I was looking for in their music. Katatonia is a band about feelings as far as I'm concerned.
Same here, every album title describes so perfectly every stage of my life!Their music and lyrics express perfectly my feeling, it´s perfect as it is and it´s exactely what I want to listen to.
I prefer live gigs though, I don´t listen so often to Katatonia at home, only if I´m in the mood and of course when a new album is out...but I prefer the live experience...

@Bloody_Swan, you wrote very poetic words! I understand what you mean, same here:)